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Onboarding Programs to Supercharge Your Service Center
Featured Speakers:
Michael McGrath, RVP Sales Productivity, Salesforce
Sarah Siverling, Sales Engineer, Sales Productivity, Salesforce
Today, turnover ishigh and rising fast and ramp times are longer than ever. This is why it's super challenging to deliver the level of service that customers not only expect but demand. That's why front-line agents are more important than ever. Especially if your customer experience is your business's bread and butter.
So where does giving a better customer experience start? The answer is simple: Agent onboarding. Reducing ramp time and getting an enabled, empowered team isn't just a way to transform your service. It's a key revenue driver for your business.
Join our webinar to discover the secrets to fast-tracking new agent onboarding and unlock the full potential of your service center. Come check it out and get:
- Practical guidance for rapid ramp time reduction
- Onboarding best practices from experts
- Tips to transform your service center into a revenue-generating powerhouse