Salesforce Webinars

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Grow Your Small Business Marketing Footprint with AI

On-Demand Webinar

Featured Speakers:

Brandon Walton, President, Owner, and Principal Consultant, Cypress Learning Solutions
Ruth Bolster, Product Marketing Manager, Salesforce
Jeffrey Stollenwerk, Principal, Specialist Solutions Engineer, Salesforce

Everyone is talking about artificial intelligence — but how can it help small businesses reach their customers?

Join us for a discussion about how generative AI can save small businesses time by eliminating manual work and making it easier to send customers on personalized journeys. We will also discuss how getting a single view of the customer across marketing, sales, service, and commerce can help small businesses get the most out of their AI. Lastly, we will share how the Generative AI in Marketing Cloud Growth Edition can help small businesses work smarter and reach customers with the right message at the right time.


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