Salesforce Webinars

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Gaining Momentum Toward Data, Automation, and AI-Powered Service

Featured Speakers:

Tanner Mueller, Senior Director Banking and Lending, Silverline
Doug McGaughey, Principal Account Solution Engineer, Salesforce
Brett Nelson, Principal Solution Specialist, Mortgage & Lending, Salesforce

Improving the customer experience and reducing service process cost continues to be a priority for the Financial Services Industry. However, achieving widespread organizational implementation and adoption of elevated service processes presents its own set of challenges. We recognize compliance concerns, regulatory challenges, and migrating from legacy systems are difficult hurdles to clear, but it can be done!

Register today and join us for a valuable service-focused session where we will share actionable insights and proven strategies our customers have used to accelerate the evolution of their service processes using the full power of Salesforce.

Learn how you can turn your call center into an efficiency hub to boost your Net Promoter Score (NPS), slash operational costs, and propel revenue growth.


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