Salesforce Webinars

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Elevating Ad Sales with AI and Data: Driving Revenue and Innovation

Featured Speakers:

Benny Joseph, Chief Technology Officer, New Tradition Media
John Stamers, Sr. Director - Media Solutions, Silverline
Brian Bergen, Vice President of Product Marketing - CMT, Salesforce

Join us for a dynamic webinar where Media & Entertainment industry experts reveal how AI and data are revolutionizing advertising sales. Hear a success story from New Tradition Media, one of the fastest-growing media companies in the United States providing out-of-home advertising platforms to brands and advertising agencies, for actionable knowledge on driving revenue growth and innovation in ad sales. Learn how automation can streamline sales processes, boost efficiency and free up time for business critical tasks while gaining insights into advanced tools for measuring campaign ROI and optimizing performance.

Ideal for advertising professionals, marketers, and business leaders, in this webinar you'll hear how to:
  • Discover how to harness big data for precise audience targeting
  • Personalize ad experiences with AI
  • Leverage predictive analytics for strategic decision-making


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