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From ESPs to Engagement: Better Personalization with Marketing Cloud

Featured Speakers:

Fred Homner, Director of Customer Success & Emerging Technologies, ListEngage
Pratik Desai, Personalization Leader, ListEngage
Holly Jackson, Director, Product Marketing, Salesforce

Dear [FIRST_NAME]. Boom, personalized. Feels like this message was written specifically for you, right?

No? That’s because it’s not enough to just personalize with a first name, and blast the same mass email to everyone in your list anymore. Your customers expect personalized emails, content & offers — across every touchpoint.

Join our webinar to learn the tools & tactics that enable you to personalize every part of the customer journey, starting with email and then scaling across channels.

  • Learn about the common challenges in personalization when using batch-and-blast email strategies
  • Discover the impact that 1:1 personalized marketing has on customer engagement and satisfaction
  • Hear best practices & practical advice that will make switching from ESPs to Marketing Cloud Engagement easier

Plus, get expert advice from ListEngage, a Salesforce Partner that has helped thousands of customers make the switch from entry-level email service providers (ESPs) to Marketing Cloud to build more connected, personalized journeys.


Access the webinar now.

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