How Werner Elevates Logistics with Salesforce

Explore cutting-edge technology to revolutionize freight management.

In this conversation with Danny Lilley (CTO, Werner), Carolyn Barker (VP Data & Applications, Werner), and Jordan Strawn (VP Logistics, Werner), we’ll explore the cutting-edge ways Werner is using Salesforce to revolutionize freight management.

We discuss how Werner’s Cloud First, Cloud Now strategy, combined with Salesforce technology, is reshaping the landscape of freight operations.

Watch the webinar for a tech-driven journey where Salesforce and Werner collaborate to redefine your freight management experience.

Guest Speakers

Danny Lilley
Danny Lilley
CTO, Werner
Jordan Strawn
Jordan Strawn
VP Logistics, Werner
Carolyn Barker
Carolyn Barker
VP Data and Applications, Werner
Angela Dupree
Angela Dupree
Senior RVP, Salesforce

How Werner Elevates Logistics with Salesforce

Explore cutting-edge technology to revolutionize freight management.

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Transportation and Logistics: Shift from Shipment-centric to Shipper-centric


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