A sales rep next to a view of a screen showing new opportunities. There is a button to draft an intro email using Einstein.

Optimise Sales Opportunities

Sellers need to forecast sales quotas and metrics to project business outcomes. Einstein Copilot can automatically provide a comprehensive summary of account status and forecast to quota.

In a chat window with Einstein Copilot, a sales rep asks why a commit forecast is short. Einstein gives a detailed answer.
Copilot Action: Pre-Built

Forecast Guidance

Einstein Copilot can help front line sales managers evaluate the performance of sales reps who report to them by providing an overview of key risk factors in their commit forecast.

Action Type

Data Sources
CRM, Flow

How to Use the Action
Invoke the action with these prompts:
“Show me [rep]’s forecast.”
“Is [rep] going to hit his quota?”
“What are the riskiest deals for [rep]?”