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Salesforce Data Cloud: Driving Efficient Growth With Real-Time Data

Distributed Commerce: Companies Turn To New Digital Marketing Channels To Survive

Salesforce Data Cloud creates high levels of personalisation using real-time data to capture changing customer preferences. It gives you actionable insights to help you grow your business and increase revenue.

The amount of data created by humans globally is doubling every 12 hours. For businesses, making sense of such an enormous amount of data efficiently in real time is crucial to acquire, retain, and engage customers and unlock greater revenue. More so, as the generation expected to be a major target market over the next few decades – Gen Z – is digitally active, and expects businesses to match their speed to create experiences that delight.

In fact, customer experience directly impacts purchase decisions, as per the fifth edition of the Salesforce State of the Connected Customer report. 88% of the respondents stated that customer experience is as important as the product or service offered by a business. Therefore, the presence of real-time unified data to create personalised customer experience is crucial.

Real-time data impacts business productivity and revenue growth

Real-time data intelligence that powers in-the-moment use cases can offer significant business benefits. Imagine reorienting the offer visible to a customer on your website based on a product link they clicked seconds ago. Such real-time, informed personalisation is precisely what Gen-Z customers expect from businesses. When delivered consistently using real-time data, such customer experiences can impact customer lifecycle value and revenue growth. As per a research, 42% of firms that prioritise real-time data see a transformative impact on revenue growth. Businesses focusing on real-time data also saw enhanced employee productivity, leading to greater operational efficiency and customer satisfaction.

However, to turn real-time data into intelligent actions and make faster, better decisions, you need to leverage the power of smart Artificial Intelligence. Here’s how an AI-based real-time data platform likeSalesforce Data Cloud can help you unlock enhanced productivity and efficiency.

Salesforce Data Cloud – Turning customer data into real-time magic

Salesforce Data Cloud uses real-time data to increase productivity and efficiency for all your teams.Salesforce Data Cloud integrates with Customer 360 to help build personalised customer experiences across sales, service, marketing and more.Salesforce Data Cloud makes it easy to connect to the massive amount of data in minutes using MuleSoft – whether this data sits in the cloud or on-prem, or even legacy systems. This radically transforms your business operations and the customer experience to boost sales.

Here’s howSalesforce Data Cloud uses the magic of data to transform your business

  • Enables you to fast track business decisions

The new customer environment demands that you evolve your business at the speed of digital.Salesforce Data Cloud lets you do this through automation; you can implement, track, and update decisions in real-time without disrupting operational efficiency. Going live with a moment marketing campaign within hours after real-time data reveals high demand is nothing short of a magic trick and a quick win.

  • Gives real-time insights into business performance

Salesforce Data Cloudgives you timely and comprehensive intelligence about how your business is performing in the context of a specific goal.Salesforce Data Cloud uses dynamic, intelligent workflows that respond to changes in data and harmonised insights that can be shared with the entire team at any point. This significantly boosts operational efficiency, process agility, and business performance.

  • Helps quickly identify and fix operational problems

From blocked production lines to real-time weather updates across the supply route to balancing incoming orders with product availability -Salesforce Data Cloud helps you identify and respond to any factor that can keep your business from achieving improved customer satisfaction. With AI and automated, collaborative cross-team workflows, teams can get down to fixing issues without losing time.

  • Lets you recognise and respond to market changes

Salesforce Data Cloudenables you to keep your ears to the ground and understand how customers are leading and responding to market changes. Comprehensive, real-time data helps your teams identify and address market changes as they happen, letting you tap into new opportunities rapidly. For instance, your merchandising team could swiftly update the inventory in case of a sudden, weather change-induced demand, without waiting for the weekly sales report.

  • Helps personalise the customer experience

On average, companies use 976 separate applications. Businesses must move away from such fragmented workflows to create connected customer experiences.Salesforce Data Cloud enables you to create a real-time customer graph that takes all the data you have (from any system, channel or data stream) and convert it into one consistent format. This unified profile will act as a single source of truth for each customer that changes as their preferences evolve, enabling your teams to offer magically personalised customer experiences.

  • Aids in improving customer service

Exceptional customer service is at the heart of a favourable customer experience and critical to revenue growth. With Salesforce Data Cloud, your customer service rep could get a heads-up on the purchase details and the possible service issues even before the customer has shared all the details. Additionally,Salesforce Data Cloud can also automatically halt all marketing and sales communications related to this product to the customer till the issue is resolved. Avoiding such irritating interactions that turn away clients lets you connect with them at a more relatable level and scale up your service with ease.

Brew a potent potion of real-time intelligence, productivity, and personalisation with Salesforce Data Cloud

Salesforce Data Cloud’s prebuilt APIs, based on industry insights and dynamic workflows, ensure your productivity is powered by data intelligence. Its ethical guardrails allow you to tag and track your data effectively, a definite business benefit in a digital-first business environment where data security and customer trust are closely linked.

Want to create magical customer experiences to unlock greater revenue?

Click here to explore Salesforce Data Cloud

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What Is Salesforce Data Cloud?

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