What is a CDP and what's a CDP used for? This article gives you a comprehensive understanding of a customer data platform, how it works, and what it is used for.
Learn why customer trust matters more than ever across markets and how you can effectively deliver on their expectations to create high-value relationships.
These 5 digital marketing hacks will help you personalise the interactions between your customers and your brand, leading to higher engagement and consequently, higher sales.
Salesforce Journey Builder lets you better understand your customers, trigger activities based on their unique actions and align your messaging across channels.
Messaging apps allow businesses of all sizes to communicate directly with customers in a simple and personalised manner, making brand-customer engagement timely, effective and relevant.
Ecommerce businesses across industries are using new technologies and digital solutions to enhance customer engagement, increase conversion rates and unlock revenue growth at scale.
The quality of customer service your brand offers on social media can make a huge difference to customer sentiment and loyalty. Find out how on our blog.