Bespoke Collection

Salesforce helps us deepen the potential for long-term relationships with our customers.”

Paul Leary, President and Partner

Building connections, a glass at a time

A wedding toast. An intimate dinner. A relaxing late afternoon on the patio. A fine wine shared with family or friends can turn any occasion into a special memory — from life’s greatest events to its quietest moments. Bespoke Collection strives to capture that kind of personal magic through a curated selection of premium wine, membership, and art experiences that make the most of their three unique brands: Blackbird Vineyards, Ma(i)sonry Napa Valley, and Recuerdo Wines. “Bespoke, in essence, is about tailored scenarios,” says Paul Leary, President and Partner.

Using, we’ve been able to isolate groups of decision makers within various Bay Area companies — for the sake of driving traffic to Ma(i)sonry Napa Valley (our retail business), and to encourage corporate gifting.”

Paul Leary, President and Partner
And just as the creation of a great wine connects many different elements — from varietal choice to the terroir where the grapes are grown — creating the right experiences for clients requires just the right connections with customers, vendors, and employees. That’s why Bespoke and Salesforce are a perfect pairing. With Marketing Cloud, Bespoke can focus on attracting the right clients, building deeply-involved relationships, fostering long-term business via loyalty programmes and membership, and understanding behaviour.
“Sales Cloud helps us know exactly who’s joining us at Ma(i)sonry Napa Valley each day, and whether to say ‘welcome’ or ‘welcome back.’ And if they’ve bought from us previously, we can see if it was online or in one of our retail stores.” Bespoke’s team of more than forty users can tap into Salesforce App Cloud, giving them instant, fingertip access to all its features including each customer’s lifetime value. “The guest reservations feature lets us begin a client lifecycle,” Leary adds. “We see the people onsite with us at our retail location as well as our highest value clients.” Leary continues, “When someone makes a purchase with us, the next morning at ten o’clock, they get an automated, personalised email.” It is in essence a quick thank you for their patronage and an invitation to join the Bespoke community. To optimise their multiple retail locations, diverse selection of wine and art, and client engagement, Bespoke Collection uses the Salesforce1 Mobile App to their advantage.
The epitome of this was a recent scenario where two visitors came to their gallery in St. Helena. “They perused the space, spoke with two gallery consultants, and decided to purchase several pieces of art,” adds Leary. During the process, one of the gallery consultants recommended that the couple visit their wine and design collective in Yountville — Ma(i)sonry Napa Valley. Upon leaving, the couple mentioned they would visit later that day. Immediately, the gallery consultant used the Salesforce1 Mobile App to alert the Ma(i)sonry staff of the upcoming visit, along with the clients’ preferences and other pertinent details. “Thanks to the Salesforce1 Mobile App, we were able to keep these clients in our sphere, help draw them in as ambassadors, and truly showcase our ability to fire on all cylinders,” says Leary.

The vintages of tomorrow

Investment in social technology has provided an in-depth look into customers beyond the frequency of their visits, and monetary value. It lets Bespoke add more personal, one-to-one, interest-driven content to their local clients and prospects for more predictive and tailored experiences. And that’s a big differentiator in a crowded marketplace. “By placing emphasis on relationship-based sales — instead of transaction-based — we’re able to increase customer retention and satisfaction, referrals, and order value. This is not possible without Salesforce and social technologies,” says Leary.

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