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Top Data and Analytics Trends for the Digital-First Marketer

Featured Speakers:

  • Arianna Poli, Strategic Account Advisor, Salesforce
  • Jun Stryckers, Senior Marketing Intelligence Lead - ASEAN, Salesforce

As digital-first customer behavior accelerates, marketers have adopted equally critical mandates —customer satisfaction and growth. Because data is central to this dual mandate, we sought to understand how marketers use data to understand customers, build trusted relationships, optimize performance, and maximize the ROI of every investment. Marketers are relying on technology to ensure they can continue to measure performance, understand their customers, and provide them with individualised experiences.

Salesforce's 3rd Marketing Intelligence Report reveals insights trends on data and analytics from 2,500+ marketers worldwide and in ASEAN. In Singapore, 92% of marketers plan to either increase or maintain investments in marketing analytics and 91% of marketers plan to either increase or maintain investments in customer data platforms.

Join us, as we unpack how data has become central to marketing success and learn:

  • [Live exercise] How to calculate your ROI based on your marketing spend with Marketing Intelligence
  • How marketers define their roles in the digital-first era
  • How marketers are adapting to a privacy-focused data ecosystem
  • Trends in cross-channel marketing and analytics

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