Salesforce Webinars
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Achieve More with Less in an Uncertain Economy

Featured Speakers:

  • Tony Hughes,Best-selling Author & Business Leader,Sales Intelligence
  • Robert Bowden,Chief Executive Officer,MAXM
  • Adrian Graham,National Valuations Director,WBP Group
  • Amy McDonnell,Automation, JAPAC,Salesforce
  • Glenda Thomson,Lead Technical Architect,Salesforce

Join Tony Hughes, bestselling author and industry expert, to understand how business and IT leaders can thrive in the new economy. Learn how to transform business results by reimagining the very platform on which a business executes its strategy. The effective use of technology is a critical success factor in driving growth from sustained competitive advantage. Discover the strategies that reduce the cost to acquire, serve and retain customers, while improving productivity, profit and loyalty. This practical webinar will both inspire and inform with actionable ideas and real world examples of digital transformation.

What you will take away:

  • How to thrive in difficult and uncertain economic times, benefiting from lessons learned from other small businesses who are thriving - MAXM and WBP Group.
  • How to innovate for greater efficiency, loyalty and profitable growth from best practice customer and employee experience.
  • Real world examples of leading service delivery including Automating the integration and consolidation of data into Salesforce, Reducing the Cost of App Development while Increasing the Security & Compliance of your business data.


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