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Intelligent Claims Automation

Topic: Insurers often look at claims automation from the lens of cost saving and efficiency. However, claims automation also reduces the settlement timeline and increase process transparency, both of which have a significant impact on customer experience.

Claims is the moment of truth in Insurance industry and experience during claims processing is the most important part of Customer Journey.

Discover how Salesforce Claims Management Solution supports the end-to-end claims process for Insurance across Line of Business.

Agenda :
12.00 - 12.10 PM - Challenges faced by Indian Insurers in Claims Processing
12.10 - 12.20 PM - Global Trends in Insurance Claims Processing
12.20 - 12.30 PM - How Salesforce Claims Management Solution can overcome above challenges
12.30 - 12.50 PM - Quick Demo around Salesforce Capabilities
12.50 - 1.00 PM - Question and Answers

Shailesh Arya, Director - Salesforce Industries - Insurance and Health
Ankit Malik, Lead Solution Engineer, Salesforce
Srimant D, Associate Director - DCM - Financial Services Advisory, Deloitte


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