Salesforce Webinars
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How Growing Businesses Transform Customer Service with Digital Channels

Customer service teams at growing businesses are facing a perfect storm. While time and resources remain static, customer expectations continue to rise. In fact, 66% of service professionals say customers are becoming more difficult to satisfy.* Businesses need to find ways to optimize agents’ time so they can focus on delivering the best customer experience. And what better way to do that than to enable customers to find their own answers to simpler questions.

Join the Webinar to hear how Rippling grows lifelong customers by using digital support channels. Guillermo Salazar, Head of Business Systems at Rippling, will discuss how they are able to keep the percentage of live chat customers that ask to convert to a call as low as 2.55%.** And we’ll share tips and tricks on how you can get started improving your customer experience too!

*Salesforce, 2020 State of Service
**Rippling, Real-Time Support Status

Featured Speakers:

Guillermo Salazar, Head of Business Systems, Rippling
Lauren Giurata, Associate Product Marketing Manager, Salesforce


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