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2024 State of Marketing Report: What Every Marketer Needs to Know

Calling all marketers! AI is reinventing data-driven marketing, and now is the time to set your strategy in motion. Join Salesforce experts Daisy Han, Leandro Perez and Evelyn M Cass as we present the latest trends on data, AI, and personalisation from our 9th State of Marketing report, recently launched in May.

We’ll discuss insights gleaned from nearly 5,000 marketers worldwide, as well as a lens on what's top of mind for marketers in APAC specifically, including:

  • A snapshot of the biggest trends, priorities, and challenges impacting marketers today
  • Review & compare marketers' progress on customer data quality, timeliness, and connectivity
  • How marketers are using and plan to use both predictive and generative AI
  • And last but not least, we’ll take a look at the top announcements from Connections 2024.

Featured Speakers:

  • Daisy Han, Product Marketing Manager, APAC, Salesforce
  • Evelyn M Cass, Principal Account Solution Engineer, APAC, Salesforce
  • Leandro Perez, SVP & CMO, APAC, Salesforce


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