analytics dashboard
Advantage of Using an Analytics Dashboard

Visualising Data for Better Understanding

Customising Solutions to Fit Your Needs
While there are certain common needs that most businesses share, the specifics will most likely vary between one company and the next. As such, for an analytics dashboard to be effective, it must also be customisable.
A customisable analytics dashboard allows users to add or remove displayed parameters, so that the dashboard remains 100% relevant to the needs of the business. Decision makers can then see the information that they want, without having to wade through the data that they don’t need.
Reporting, Analysing, and Presenting Data in Real Time
Cloud based Analytics for Instant Deployment and Universal Accessibility
A cloud-based analytics dashboard requires no local hardware or software installation. Instead, it operates directly out of the cloud. This means faster deployment, and the elimination of expensive downtime. This greatly benefits users, in that it reduces or even eliminates the need for extensive, complex data centers. It also makes it possible for users to be able to connect with the programs they need, from any internet-enabled device—allowing for direct access from not just the office, but anywhere in the world.
An additional benefit of a cloud-based dashboard is the ease of accessibility from any authorised device. As long as a user has an active internet connection, he or she will be able to review valuable information, whether from a desktop computer, laptop, or mobile smart device. This also allows for better interdepartmental collaboration, as each user is able to access the same information, regardless of platform.
Universal accessibility makes it possible for decision makers to stay completely up-to-date with the data that directs the course of their organisation, no matter when and where. Cloud-based dashboards also offer advanced levels of security, eliminating the dangers of unauthorised on-site access, while also taking advantage of the most-advanced cyber defenses available to prevent remote data-incursions. And while it’s important for business leaders to be able to review business information at a glance, it is just as important that that information not become available to unauthorised users. Effective analytics dashboards break access down into various levels, providing each user, group, or role with it’s own customised accessibility.
In a world that has come to rely so heavily on digital information, the quality and availability of actionable data has become vitally important to businesses both large and small. However, without a straightforward way to review that data, many organisations find themselves drowning in a sea of complex information. An effective analytics dashboard provides users with a lifeline, by sorting data into visually accessible, relevant information that can then be acted upon, for better, faster decision-making.