Be a Trailblazer with Trailhead.
Learn the in-demand skills you need to transform your career, earn globally recognised credentials, and connect to opportunity with the vibrant Trailblazer Community.
Learn directly from experts.
Accelerate learning with virtual and in-person classes around the world.
Learn in-demand skills.
Learn the skills companies need to drive success now and become customer companies.

Earn resume-worthy credentials.
Validate your hands-on experience with Salesforce and get a competitive edge that can lead to new opportunities in the Salesforce ecosystem. Grow your resume with skill-based superbadges and role-based Salesforce certifications.

Connect with Trailblazers from anywhere.
Join the Trailblazer Community to learn relevant skills, connect to Trailblazers around the world, and give back together.

Discover resources to grow your career.
Connect to learning, mentorship, and employment opportunities at every stage of your career path.
Meet the Trailblazers.
Trailblazers are the heart and soul of Salesforce and they’re people just like you — pioneers, innovators, and lifelong learners — who are transforming their careers.
"When I was facing job insecurity, I was able to learn new skills on Trailhead and landed a stable job in tech. If I can do it, anyone can."
“Learning on Trailhead has taught me sales skills I need to continually up my game.”
"Skilling up on Trailhead took my marketing career to new heights. It's possible for everyone to own their career and be a Trailblazer."