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Salesforce India Sales Leader on AI, Data, and Trust

This week, Arun Parameswaran, Salesforce India’s Managing Director of Sales, spoke with Mint’s interview series, ‘All About AI’. about leveraging AI for business success with data and trust as the foundation for customer success. Parameswaran was joined by 

Sajin Mangalathu, CFO and CIO of Hero Fincorp, and Kapil Mahajan, Global CITO, All Cargo Logistics – both organisations are Salesforce customers. 

Why it matters: The amount of data that companies generate is expected to increase 22% on average over the next 12 months, according to Salesforce research. Yet 81% of IT leaders say data silos hinder digital transformation.

Salesforce perspective: Parameswaran shared that:

  • AI and automation is fundamentally revolutionising how business operate: “It is all coming down to two things – how well do you know a customer, which comes down to how well your data is organise; how personalised are you going to be in terms of offering the right product for that customer at that point in time, and how do you wow the customer.”
  • Salesforce’s approach to AI: “Over the last 18 months, we’ve seen the whole focus shift from predictive to generative AI. The scale at which this is operating and the promise that it holds is clearly is going to disrupt and transform every industry, every function, everything that we do. Every customer is keen to figure out how they can jump on that bandwagon. So we are innovating fast and furious to help our customers in that journey.”
  • Three problems companies need to address to build trusted AI: “You’ve got to solve a trust layer problem in the organisation. Second, the underlying data model is going to be the key to how accurate your AI predictions can be. The third part is how we want to drive efficiency and productivity for your organisation.” 
  • How to ensure data integrity, privacy, and security: “At Salesforce, AI starts with our Einstein Trust Layer, and that trust layer is all about looking at your data and making sure that the data is where it needs to be. We don’t own customers’ data or store it. We’re very clear about our data use and policy.”

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