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Salesforce Unveils Climate Finance Playbook; Grants $8.3M to Climate Justice and Nature Nonprofits

The climate finance playbook aims to help businesses better leverage their capital for climate action

New grants support global organizations focused on advancing inclusive climate solutions and restoring nature

Today at Climate Week NYC, Salesforce, in partnership with Climate Policy Initiative (CPI), is launching a Corporate Climate Finance Playbook to help companies unlock multiple forms of capital to accelerate climate action. As part of its own climate finance strategy, Salesforce also announced $8.3 million in new climate justice and nature-based solutions grants. 

Significance: From extreme heat to fire and floods, the effects of climate change are everywhere and those least responsible are often the most impacted. To mitigate the worst impacts of climate change, it will require around $4 trillion annually in global climate mitigation, resilience, and adaptation investments.

  • Bridging this climate finance gap, meeting global climate targets, and delivering on corporate climate goals demands that companies explore and unlock the full spectrum of financial instruments available.  
  • This means deploying multiple forms of corporate capital toward climate action in parallel, like sustainability bonds, internal carbon pricing, philanthropic grants, venture capital, carbon credits, and more.

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  • “With the Corporate Climate Finance Playbook, we’re not just providing businesses with tools; we’re unlocking a pathway to a sustainable future. Our commitment extends beyond guidance — we’ve invested an additional $8.3 million in climate justice and nature-based solutions. From restoring mangroves to empowering ecopreneurs, we’re dedicated to addressing climate change’s most pressing challenges, making a tangible impact on our planet and communities.” — Naomi Morenzoni, SVP of Climate & Innovation Philanthropy, Salesforce

With the Corporate Climate Finance Playbook, we’re not just providing businesses with tools; we’re unlocking a pathway to a sustainable future.

Naomi Morenzoni, SVP of Climate & Innovation Philanthropy, Salesforce
  • “Corporate capital is not only an essential tool for companies to achieve their net zero targets, it’s a critical part of the finance needed to reach global climate goals. We hope the Playbook encourages more companies to explore a diverse set of financial tools to maximize impact for their businesses and our planet.” – Ben Broché, Associate Director, Climate Policy Initiative
  • “Salesforce is the first private sector entity announcing their support to the UN World Restoration Flagships – the most ambitious initiatives connecting people and nature. We welcome this commitment and urge more companies to step up in our race to restore Earth.” – Natalia Alekseeva, Coordinator of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, UN Environment Programme (UNEP)

Grant recipients: Salesforce has been committed to advancing climate justice and nature restoration and supporting Entrepreneurial Support Organizations (ESOs) empowering underrepresented ecopreneurs with philanthropic investments:

  • The Mangrove Breakthrough: Salesforce’s investment will support the implementation of the Mangrove Breakthrough, an initiative to conserve and restore 15 million hectares of mangrove ecosystems globally by 2030. Mangroves are critical in capturing carbon, protecting biodiversity, and supporting livelihoods. They also serve as natural barriers, protecting coastal communities from storm surge during extreme weather events. 
  • SOS Mata Atlântica works to protect Brazil’s Atlantic Forest. This donation will support the expansion of protected areas and innovative new financing mechanisms to conserve and restore the Atlantic Forest, a UN World Restoration Flagship, with a focus on the Tietê and Paraíba do Sul Basins.
  • WRI Brasil, which focuses on sustainable solutions for people, nature, and climate, will use the donation to coordinate and support the implementation of a pipeline of locally-led, high quality nature-based solutions projects in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest.      
  • EIT Climate-KIC is Europe’s leading climate innovation agency and community. Salesforce’s donation will strengthen their ‘enabling platform’ for ESOs and enhance their capacity to assist a wider range of climate entrepreneurs, emphasizing gender inclusion.
  • Echoing Green discovers emerging social entrepreneurs and invests in the growth of their ideas and leadership. The donation supports BIPOC leaders focused on equity and climate action. 
  • Elemental Excelerator scales technologies with deep climate and community impact. Salesforce’s donation will help deploy transformational technology projects in frontline communities led by diverse ecopreneurs innovating across energy, water, mobility, industry, food and agriculture, and nature-based solutions.
  • Fast Forward supports tech nonprofits solving our world’s biggest problems – at scale. Salesforce’s donation will support underrepresented nonprofit entrepreneurs building tech to address climate issues like deforestation, food waste, and more.
  • Fearless Foundation aims to create a world where women of color have equal access to the resources and support they need to succeed in business. Salesforce’s donation will kickstart the organization’s climate-focused accelerator and aid its expansion into Brazil.
  • Go Paladin empowers underrepresented entrepreneurs to leverage the vast startup ecosystem. The donation will help launch an ESG Accelerator to drive sustainable product innovation and increase diversity in the ESG tech ecosystem.
  • New Energy Nexus (NEX) empowers diverse entrepreneurs in the clean energy sector. Salesforce’s donation will help NEX reach its target of supporting 100,000 clean energy innovators by 2030, especially in emerging markets and underserved communities. 
  • Reforestamos México works to make forests into allies to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The donation will support forest ecopreneurs across Latin America.
  • Seaworthy Collective aims to make ocean and climate impact innovation (BlueTech) accessible and inclusive. Salesforce’s donation provides scholarships for at least 20 entrepreneurs from diverse backgrounds to access Seaworthy’s catalytic startup programs.
  • Unreasonable Group connects entrepreneurs, institutions, and investors to profitably solve pressing global problems. The donation will aid Unreasonable GOALS, a public-private partnership to accelerate ventures best positioned to drive progress on the SDGs.

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