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Insider: How Trailhead Helps Pave a Path for Tech Job Breakthroughs

Four Salesforce Trailblazers spoke with Insider to share how Trailhead and the Trailblazer Community helped transform their careers and skill up to land new roles in the Salesforce ecosystem.

Quick take: Trailhead, Salesforce’s free online learning platform, experienced a 40% surge in sign-ups the past year. Four Salesforce Trailblazers spoke with Insider to share how Trailhead and the Trailblazer Community helped transform their careers and skill up to land new roles in the Salesforce ecosystem.

Driving the news:  The sharp and universal shift to digital-first interactions like remote work, online commerce, and virtual collaboration has accelerated the digital transformation of business on a global scale. This comes at a time when the world is faces a massive gap between the demand for digital skills and the supply of workers who possess them. 

Programs like Trailhead help workers obtain the necessary skills for in-demand tech jobs, which are growing rapidly. According to IDC, the Salesforce ecosystem is expected to create 4.2 million new jobs worldwide between 2019 and 2024. Trailhead helps build a pipeline of candidates for those positions, allowing  people to break into the tech industry without needing a college degree.

What they’re saying:

Tony Nguyen, from sandwich shop manager to Salesforce Administrator at Calabrio
  • “Words can’t explain how phenomenal Trailhead is. There’s nothing you can’t learn on Trailhead. It’s not just Salesforce skills. Trailhead gives you the ability to keep learning.” – Tony Nguyen, from sandwich shop manager to Salesforce Administrator at Calabrio
Marquita Sidibe, from bartender to Salesforce Administrator at Liberty Mutual
  • “The Trailblazer Community helped me get my start and helped me land my dream job.” – Marquita Sidibe, from bartender to Salesforce Administrator at Liberty Mutual
Janelle Fields, from Air Force veteran to Salesforce Software Engineer at USAA
  • “My giving Trailhead a chance has now changed the future of my family.” – Janelle Fields, from Air Force veteran to Salesforce Software Engineer at USAA
Juan Medina, from car salesman to Salesforce Administrator at Republic Bank 
  • “You can be career ready with all free resources without investing any money, just your time.” – Juan Medina, from car salesman to Salesforce Administrator at Republic Bank 

Fast fact: Since Trailhead launched in 2014, more than 3.3 million learners have skilled up on Trailhead, earning over 35 million badges in Salesforce, business, partner, and soft skills. 

Learn more: Read more from Insider here. Learn more about the program and benefits of Trailhead here

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