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Salesforce Commits to Investing $100 Million to Scale and Commercialize Carbon Removal Technologies

 Salesforce also celebrates the two-year mark of and UpLink programs

To date, the U.S. chapter of has secured nearly 50 billion in tree pledges from the NGO community

UpLink has empowered over 46,000 ecopreneurs worldwide focused on developing climate change solutions since 2020

Today at the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland, Salesforce announced plans to purchase $100 million of durable carbon credits from technologies that remove carbon from the atmosphere at scale. The investment is a part of an initiative from the First Movers Coalition, a group announced by President Biden at COP26, which aims to harness the purchasing power of companies to decarbonize “hard to abate” industrial sectors. 

With its commitment, Salesforce will help scale Carbon Dioxide Removal (CDR) solutions through 2030. As a Founding Member of the Coalition, in 2021, Salesforce also committed to replacing 5% of its conventional jet fuel usage with low- and no-carbon alternatives by 2030. 

“We’re in a climate emergency and the world needs bold climate action now. We must bring disruptive clean technologies to market at scale to meet our climate goals,” said Suzanne DiBianca, Chief Impact Officer, Salesforce. “That’s why we’re proud to commit Salesforce’s purchasing power to drive demand for carbon removal solutions as part of the First Movers Coalition.”

To address the climate crisis, the world needs a range of climate solutions that are not yet available or cost competitive in commercial markets. The latest United Nations IPCC report emphasizes that due to a lack of progress in emissions mitigation to date, limiting global temperature rise to 1.5⁰C will now be impossible without carbon removal solutions.

Carbon dioxide removal technologies are an important piece of the global journey to net zero. Carbon Dioxide removal is the process of removing carbon dioxide from the air and locking it away.

Salesforce’s Climate Action Plan focuses on six sustainability priorities, including carbon removal. Over time, Salesforce will shift its carbon credit portfolio to include mostly carbon removal credits in line with the global trajectory for limiting warming to 1.5⁰C.

Salesforce continues its work with to grow the trillion trees global movement

This year also marks two years since the global movement first launched at Davos. In launching the effort, Salesforce and the World Economic Forum were inspired by a single, unified vision and mission — to help the global movement to conserve, restore, and grow 1 trillion trees by 2030. 

“Our forests are the lungs of the Earth,” said DiBianca. “Trees are also one of the most powerful green infrastructure solutions we have to create healthier communities and fight climate change and inequality.”

As part of its commitment to, Salesforce announced a goal of 100 million trees by the end of 2030. Since then, Salesforce has supported over 20 projects throughout the world and, to-date, has funded over 43 million trees

Since its launch, the community has also brought together 65 companies committing over 5.7 billion trees to be restored around the world. The U.S. Chapter of, founded by American Forests and the World Economic Forum with the goal of engaging U.S.-based corporations, state and local governments, and nonprofits, has secured nearly 50 billion in tree pledges from the NGO community alone.

At Davos this week, it was announced that with the World Economic Forum and China Green Foundation, China will aim to plant and conserve 70 billion trees by 2030 as part of the global tree movement through the newly announced China Action. In March 2022, the India Platform was launched to support the country’s commitments under the Paris Agreement to restore 26 million hectares of deforested and degraded land by 2030.

Celebrating two years of ecopreneurs 

In 2020, Salesforce co-founded UpLink, a partnership with the World Economic Forum and Deloitte. This digital platform connects and empowers ecopreneurs — startups focused on solving climate challenges — with the people and resources that can transform their ideas into reality. 

Aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, UpLink has now connected and empowered over 46,000 ecopreneurs worldwide. 

“We’re proud to support ecopreneurs and UpLink. Ecopreneurs are launching innovative ideas to protect the planet and drive climate impact locally and at scale,” added DiBianca. 

Ecopreneurs are making a difference every day. This includes Pachama, a company that uses satellite imagery, remote sensing, and machine learning technology to monitor performance of forest carbon projects; and Sylvera which conducts independent and in-depth carbon ratings that enable companies to invest in high quality offsets to help them reach net zero.

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