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Workplace Well-Being Just Got a Boost: Salesforce Ventures Backs BetterUp

In a year that has forced people to find new ways to connect, employees are craving engagement now more than ever. And as our work and home lives become more intertwined, it is increasingly important that we derive a sense of belonging and purpose from our jobs. 

That’s why Salesforce Ventures participated in BetterUp’s most recent funding round

BetterUp supports employees’ personal and professional growth through mobile-based coaching, personal and professional growth through mobile-based coaching, counseling, and mentorship. It combines behavioral science, AI technology, and human interaction to support a person’s whole self, and provides interactive professional development content, analytics, and real-time insights to track employee progress.

“BetterUp is fundamentally improving the future of work by providing a platform that develops and inspires employees both personally and professionally — driving increased productivity, collaboration, happiness, and fulfillment,” said Katie Schwartz, Principal, Salesforce Ventures. “After witnessing the transformative impact of BetterUp firsthand, we’re excited to be investing in such an innovative company and we can’t wait to see what they do next.”

As one of the most supportive and active investors in enterprise technology today, Salesforce Ventures is proud to be a part of the BetterUp story. You can read more about this recent investment by Salesforce Ventures here

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