B-Well Together: Guided Meditations

A series focused on self care with leading wellbeing experts.
Sessions are hosted live each day. Click here to view the schedule.

Finding Calm with Jack Kornfield

Take a breath and find inner calm during this guided meditation session.
Jack Kornfield
Bestselling author, mindfulness teacher, and founder of the renowned Spirit Rock Meditation Center

Guided Meditation with Trudy Goodman

Explore how to find your center and navigate uncertain times using a combination of meditation and psychotherapy techniques.
Trudy Goodman
Vipassana teacher in the Theravada lineage and founding teacher of InsightLA

Guided Meditation with Jack Kornfield

Take a breath and find inner calm during this guided meditation session.
Jack Kornfield
Bestselling author, mindfulness teacher, and founder of the renowned Spirit Rock Meditation Center

Mantra Meditation with Vaisesika Dasa

Ease into your day by exploring the wonders of mantra meditation.
Vaisesika Dasa
Monk and Teacher of Bhakti Yoga

Learn the Secrets of RAIN, Followed by a Soothing Meditation with Tara Brach

Discover the secrets of RAIN, an easy-to-remember tool for practicing mindfulness and compassion.
Tara Brach
Meditation Teacher and Psychologist

Find Tranquility and Calm Through a Guided Meditation with Christiane Wolf

Find tranquility and calm as you wind down your day.
Christiane Wolf
MD, PhD, Author, and Mindfulness Meditation Teacher at InsightLA

Yoga Philosophy and Stretching with Dinesh Kashikar

Dive into the philosophy of yoga and get ready to move with some light stretches.
Dinesh Kashikar
Director of Teacher Training, Global Sri Sri School of Yoga in India

Plum Village Monastics

Watch guided meditations from Plum Village Monastics on this playlist and explore finding peace, taking time for self care, creating quiet space, and understanding internal weather.
Plum Village Monastics
A global community of mindfulness practice centers offering retreats and teachings on engaged Buddhism and the art of mindful living, founded by Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh

Practicing Gratitude
Discover how gratitude is the foundation of wellbeing.

Finding Peace Through Meditation
Explore how to be centered and gain clarity.

Taking Time to Care For Ourselves
Learn how to carve out daily time for self care.

Creating a Quiet Space
Find ways to disconnect and enjoy moments of calm.

Our Internal Weather
Learn tips for observing and understanding your moods.

Relax Your Body and Calm Your Mind
Channel your breathing and practice self compassion.


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