Scopri i potenziali vantaggi che i team di vendita ottengono lavorando in Slack e Slack Sales Elevate.
Calculate gains >Produttività del team di vendita
Accelera le vendite coniugando il personale con Sales Cloud e l'automazione dei processi proprio dove agisce il team di vendita, con Slack Sales Elevate. Allinea il team di vendita offrendogli l'accesso a record clienti, account, opportunità e metriche chiave. Mostra informazioni in tempo reale sulle trattative per migliorare la visibilità del team su ogni fase del processo. Focalizza l'attenzione del team sulla vendita e accelera i successi tramite avvisi sulle trattative, approvazioni e supporto automatici per le trattative e aggiornamenti semplificati del CRM, ovunque e su qualsiasi dispositivo.
Run your business better with the power of the #1 CRM in Slack Sales Elevate.
Get deals across the finish line faster with a single working space where CRM data, conversations, and all sales team productivity tools come together for every sales team member and their partners.
Save time and sell faster with AI and automation in the flow of work.
Understand your sales priorities with real-time notifications from Sales Cloud in Slack. Easily create and view automatic alerts and personalized reminders to keep everyone - from sales reps to managers and leaders - on top of deal movements, team wins, and pipeline changes.
Streamline day-to-day operations for teams with time-saving workflows that automate processes from pipeline management to approvals, right in Slack. Progress deals forward with record lookups, updates, and quick actions in a conversational AI interface. Help sellers and leaders gain context and quickly get up to speed with AI channel summaries and search when paired with Slack AI.
Replicate your team's winning strategies with a library of pre-built, customizable templates for sales processes such as account planning, mutual close planning, customer briefings, and more. Bring process automation, sales best practices, and Sales Cloud together to standardize and scale the way your team operates to win, where team selling happens in Slack.
Drive team selling through improved deal visibility.
Break down data and communication silos by pulling the account team and relevant Sales Cloud data into Slack channels. Access the right sales data at the right time to get deals across the finish line. Collaborate on deals and align across stakeholders working from the most up-to-date Salesforce account and opportunity records.
Track individual and team progress toward goals with a role-specific KPI dashboard connected to Sales Cloud. Help sales leaders, managers, and reps measure performance against key metrics including open opportunities and revenue generation inside of Slack.
Drive sales visibility with personalized, role-specific insights from Sales Cloud delivered in every seller's Slack workspace. Deliver a complete view of accounts, opportunities, key metrics, and deal alerts, accessible to sellers in a single click.
Aggiorna le trattative con facilità ovunque tu sia.
Give reps more time to sell by simplifying Sales Cloud account and data management without leaving Slack. Quickly view and update all opportunities with conversational context and immediately sync changes back to Sales Cloud with bi-directional CRM updates. Drive pipeline accuracy with more frequent CRM updates to forecast with confidence.
Ensure CRM data quality with automated workflows that make logging activities easy and fast. Eliminate context switching by quickly logging calls and meetings into Sales Cloud right from Slack. Capture activities and meetings that lead to revenue.
Move deals forward from anywhere on any device with CRM access from Slack. Quickly update the Salesforce opportunity record or add customer meeting notes on the go. Get advice from your team in Slack channels and connect with stakeholders, customers, and partners instantly from mobile devices.
Forecast predictably with actionable CRM insights in Slack.
Know what's changed in your business with regular and automatic deal insight notifications proactively delivered to where your team selling conversations happen. Empower leaders to easily track changes that impact forecasting with real-time visibility into deals that have been expanded, compressed, pulled in or pushed out of quarter, closed, and won, right from their mobile device.
Enrich the business conversations happening in Slack by surfacing deal information in an easy-to-consume, single, comprehensive list view. Leaders can customize what they see by filtering, sorting, or grouping deals, such as by forecast category, to identify the right opportunities for manager guidance. Give sellers visibility into all in-flight activity for a customer or deals that need the most attention right now.
Esplora le soluzioni per aumentare la produttività del tuo team di vendita.
Dai un impulso alla produttività mettendo automazione, conoscenza, AI e collaborazione al centro di una piattaforma aperta e ampliabile in Slack.
Automazione e AI
Metti a disposizione di ogni persona del team workflow e app in Slack in grado di semplificare il suo lavoro.
Sales Planning
Calcola i tuoi guadagni con Slack Sales Elevate
Scopri i potenziali vantaggi che i team di vendita ottengono lavorando in Slack e Slack Sales Elevate.
Slack Sales Elevate inserisce il CRM in un sistema che il personale di vendita già conosce e apprezza: Slack. Questa soluzione integra tutto il lavoro in una piattaforma di facile utilizzo, rendendo la gestione della pipeline e le informazioni rilevanti infinitamente più accessibili ed efficienti.
Lauren FarberDirettrice, Business Operations, Roku
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Produttività del team di vendita: domande frequenti
Slack Sales Elevate is the sales team productivity tool for sales teams that brings the power of your CRM data into selling conversations in Slack to help teams stay aligned and accelerate deals with a single view of their customer and all the tools they need—all in one place.
Sì. Slack è una piattaforma aperta e ampliabile, che consente alle aziende che la utilizzano di integrare al suo interno altre applicazioni e altri strumenti, compreso il proprio CRM. I clienti di Salesforce possono iniziare fin da subito a utilizzare Slack Sales Elevate, la nostra nuova soluzione nativa che coniuga Sales Cloud e Slack: basta contattare il nostro team di vendita.
Slack Sales Elevate is a sales team productivity tool that natively integrates Sales Cloud with Slack. It's a tailored solution for sales teams that brings your opportunities, accounts, and metrics to the same place you’re already having selling conversations, powering your work with CRM data.