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Baptist Health gets proactive with care using Data Cloud.

Learn how the healthcare provider turns disparate data into a complete patient view at scale.
2 min read

About Baptist Health South Florida

Baptist Health South Florida is a faith-based, not-for-profit healthcare organization and clinical care network with 27,000 employees and over 4,000 physicians. It provides care to more than 180,000 patients every year.

The Challenge for Baptist Health South Florida

Disparate systems were impacting the patient experience.

Baptist Health used to communicate with patients through disconnected contact points such as electronic medical records, call center interactions, and in-person visits. Because these various sources of information were isolated, it was difficult to get a truly holistic view of each patient. Baptist Health needed to create a centralized data hub that kept employees and physicians informed and up to date on patients’ individual healthcare needs.

How Salesforce Helps Baptist Health South Florida

Data Cloud provides a more complete view of patients. 

Baptist Health South Florida has used Health Cloud for many years in its consumer access department (call center), but it wasn’t connected to other sources of patient data, like medical records and visit summaries. Now, Data Cloud brings together all of this patient data into one place to have one clear, unified profile of every patient. This allows Baptist Health South Florida to understand each patient’s health history and the interactions they’ve had with Baptist Health. With this knowledge, Baptist Health South Florida is putting its patients at the center and aligning their strategy, interactions, business operations, and technology around the patient. Ultimately, creating a seamless experience for their patients as they move from one stage of their healthcare journey to the next.

Salesforce products allow us to continue the patient relationship journey from beginning to end, introducing other services, making them aware of how we can help them across their healthcare needs.

Val Lopez
AVP, Marketing Operations, Baptist Health South Florida

Centralized data powers personalized marketing for each patient.

To reach patients with the most relevant communications, Baptist Health starts with client’s medical data. The organization builds highly targeted segments in Data Cloud, such as patients who are due for an annual physical or high-risk breast cancer patients who haven’t scheduled a mammogram.

From there, Baptist Health creates emails or text messages for these different patient populations, such as those with a chronic condition or lapsed patients who are due for an appointment. With marketing outreach personally tailored to each patient, Baptist Health can empower consumers to proactively manage their healthcare and live a healthier life. As more data is collected at every new patient interaction, Data Cloud builds smarter, more focused segments that reach the right patients at the right time.

Generative AI will create marketing efficiency.

Baptist Health South Florida is exploring the use of generative AI to create subject lines, draft emails, and create content to help employees be more productive.

The Salesforce Difference

The Einstein 1 platform is Baptist Health South Florida’s centralized data hub, bringing CRM, AI, and trusted data together for a 360-degree patient view. Instead of working across disconnected health systems and records, the organization now has a single place to build a unified patient profile — and treat the whole person. As Baptist Health South Florida adds new systems and technology, Salesforce provides a foundation to keep data accessible and help the organization grow.

patient visits
4,000 +