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Stat | Action | Source | Month/Year |
86% of service reps say customer expectations are higher than they used to be
State of Service | 04/2024 |
61% of service professionals say their organization addresses service issues proactively — but only 33% of customers agree that the typical company does this. |
State of Service | 04/2024 |
Decision makers expect service budgets to increase by an average of 23% over the next year. |
State of Service | 04/2024 |
80% of service organizations anticipate a budget increase over the next year.
State of Service | 04/2024 |
77% of service ops professionals say their team can't reach its goals without more budget |
State of Service | 04/2024 |
57% of service reps are responsible for revenue generation metrics |
State of Service | 04/2024 |
80% of service reps say better access to other departments' data would improve their work |
State of Service | 04/2024 |
83% of service decision makers plan to invest more in data integration this year |
State of Service | 04/2024 |
79% of service reps say they support more products/services than a year ago
State of Service | 04/2024 |
93% of service ops professionals say there’s a strong push right now to improve efficiency. |
State of Service | 04/2024 |
83% of service organizations plan to increase investments in automation this year |
State of Service | 04/2024 |
Top 3 AI use cases in customer service:
State of Service | 04/2024 |