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Stat Action Source Month/Year
Store associates log into an average of 12 systems daily to do their jobs.
Connected Shoppers 08/2023
Estimated share of store associates using a mobile device for their job:
  • 2023: 32%
  • 2026: 41%
Connected Shoppers 08/2023
Retail store associates spend 74% of their time on tasks unrelated to checkout.
Connected Shoppers 08/2023
17% of shoppers say they’ve used generative AI for shopping inspiration.
Connected Shoppers 08/2023
60% of shoppers say they’ve used their mobile devices while in a store.
Connected Shoppers 08/2023
59% of shoppers say they’ve made a purchase over social media — up from 15% in 2021.
Connected Shoppers 08/2023