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Stat | Action | Source | Month/Year |
55% of nonprofit employees say their organization needs to invest in technology to increase fundraising. |
Nonprofit Trends | 10/2022 |
Only 36% of nonprofit professionals are very satisfied with their work technology. |
Nonprofit Trends | 10/2022 |
47% of students selected their institution for career prospects, but only 11% say they feel very prepared for the world of work. |
Connected Student | 10/2022 |
Students who have a great onboarding experience are 35x more likely to have a great overall university experience. |
Connected Student | 10/2022 |
Only 18% of constituents feel their government prioritizes customer experience. |
Connected Government | 08/2022 |
46% of constituents have little to no trust in their government. |
Connected Government | 08/2022 |
54% of constituents say it’s easier to get help from government online than in person. |
Connected Government | 08/2022 |
Only 16% of constituents say government successfully uses technology to improve experiences. |
Connected Government | 08/2022 |
47% of constituents say government employees lack the necessary tools to effectively serve the public. |
Connected Government | 08/2022 |
74% of constituents say the pandemic has changed the way their government delivers services. |
Connected Government | 08/2022 |
87% of automotive executives say personalized customer communications drive sales and margins. |
Trends in Automotive | 08/2022 |
Only 22% of automotive retailers and original equipment manufacturers personalize communications across channels. |
Trends in Automotive | 08/2022 |