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67% of CIOs say they’re taking a more cautious approach to AI compared with other IT initiatives
CIO AI Trends 10/2024
How CIOs describe AI implementation at their companies:
  • 11%: Fully implemented
  • 75%: Experimenting
  • 13%: Evaluating
CIO AI Trends 10/2024
How CIOs view their AI progress compared to competitors:
  • 11%: Well ahead of competitors
  • 33%: A little ahead of competitors
  • 43%: On par with competitors
  • 13%: A little behind competitors
  • 1%: Well behind competitors
CIO AI Trends 10/2024
20% of IT budgets are currently allocated to data infrastructure and management, versus 5% allocated to AI
CIO AI Trends 10/2024
68% of CIOs think business stakeholders have unreasonable expectations for AI timelines
CIO AI Trends 10/2024
66% of CIOs are confident they’ll see ROI from their AI investments
CIO AI Trends 10/2024
CIOs’ Top AI Fears:
  1. Security or privacy threats
  2. Lack of trusted data
  3. Inability to identify the best use cases
  4. Training workforce with required skills
  5. Insufficient return on investment
CIO AI Trends 10/2024
61% of CIOs feel they’re expected to know more about AI than they do
CIO AI Trends 10/2024
One in five workers are “underground” AI users who use AI often but hesitate to share with coworkers that they do so.
The AI Team 09/2024
58% of sustainability professionals believe the benefits of AI will outweigh its risks when solving the climate crisis.
AI Sustainability Research 07/2024
20% of sustainability professionals have fully implemented AI into their sustainability initiatives.
AI Sustainability Research 07/2024
81% of sustainability leaders say reducing the emissions footprint of AI is a priority.
AI Sustainability Research 07/2024
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