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Stat Action Source Month/Year
83% of service organizations plan to increase investments in automation this year
State of Service 04/2024
Top 3 AI use cases in customer service:
  1. Customer-facing intelligent assistants
  2. Service responses
  3. Automated summaries/reports
State of Service 04/2024
56% of AI users say it's difficult to get what they want out of AI.
Your AI 04/2024
51% of workers say generative AI lacks the information needed to be useful.
Your AI 04/2024
71% of workers say consistently inaccurate outputs would break their trust in AI.
Your AI 04/2024
54% of AI users don’t trust the data used to train AI systems.
Your AI 04/2024
87% of IT professionals feel generative AI has met or exceeded its hype.
The AI-IT Disconnect 03/2024
79% of IT professionals are increasingly pressuring teams to implement generative AI.
The AI-IT Disconnect 03/2024
Top 5 AI challenges for IT teams:
  1. lack of talent/skills
  2. data security
  3. data quality
  4. slowing of other initiatives
  5. increased cost
The AI-IT Disconnect 03/2024
48% of IT professionals worry their security infrastructure can't keep up with generative AI demands.
The AI-IT Disconnect 03/2024
  • Top leadership priority when implementing new technology: Speed of implementation
  • Top IT priority when implementing new technology: Security
AI-IT Demand Gap 03/2024
Only 12% of IT teams can support all AI-related requests they receive
The AI-IT Disconnect 03/2024
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