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How Salesforce Innovations for the Public Sector Drive More Connected Experiences for Employees and Constituents

Salesforce recently released its latest earnings report, showing how public sector organizations are using the company’s technology to streamline internal processes, centralize data across legacy siloed systems, and improve collaboration and communication between government employees. 

The bigger picture: There are many ways that governments can leverage AI to improve their employee and constituent experiences. And, governments need to start preparing their systems and data to take advantage of the benefits of AI. However, just 7% of government leaders say their organization has achieved its digital transformation objectives, and more than 60% of government employees believe changes are needed to enhance their workplace’s digital tools and technologies.

The Salesforce perspective: “The data shows a massive opportunity for institutions to leverage technology to improve their digital experiences – especially in the age of AI where organizations are building the foundation to successfully drive efficiencies in their services. Salesforce helps connect people with government services online and in person, allowing the public sector to deliver better results while driving toward a more modernized future.” – Nasi Jazayeri, EVP & GM, Public Sector

Salesforce helps connect people with government services online and in person, allowing the public sector to deliver better results while driving toward a more modernized future.”

Nasi Jazayeri, EVP & GM, Public Sector, Salesforce

Customer success in action: In Salesforce’s third quarter, organizations including the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the U.S. Agency for Internal Development (USAID), and the U.S. Navy leveraged Salesforce to drive modernization and improve customer and employee experiences: 

  • The Office of Chief Counsel (OCC) is the chief legal office of the IRS and serves as Counsel and legal advisor to the IRS Commissioner on all matters pertaining to the administration and enforcement of the Internal Revenue laws. The OCC has a staff of approximately 2,100 nationwide, of which 1,600 are Attorneys managing Counsels in 57 offices nationally. The IRS has chosen Salesforce as the platform for two critical projects:
    • Litigation Matter Management: Championed by the Office of Chief Counsel, the IRS will implement a system that can be leveraged by all business units and allow the IRS to manage case volume and complexity.
    • Taxpayer Advocate System: Taxpayers in need of an advocate due to hardship (for example, if someone lost a job and had to take a medical leave) will be able to submit a paper form like they do today — or now also submit online via a digital intake portal. Salesforce will be used to do the optical character recognition scan of paper forms, support the new online community portal, and run the case management system behind both intake routes. The IRS is demonstrating how to not only provide an omni-channel customer experience that meets taxpayers where they are today, but also bring multiple apps together on one platform. 
  • USAID helps millions worldwide who benefit from U.S. Foreign Assistance. With upwards of 90% of funding flows coming from the private sector, USAID knew that they had to modernize how they managed their strategic relationships so that their staff and leaders could feel more confident and prepared when engaging in high-stakes discussions. USAID is launching an enterprise-wide CRM on Salesforce, which will give them a platform to support:
    • Execution on a global scale with standardization across partner engagement models, workflows, data, and more. 
    • Networking across users working with the same partners and/or on similar initiatives.
    • Maintaining a single source of truth with a complete catalog of records and history with partners, and retain, analyze, and action mission-critical data. 
  • The U.S. Navy sought to address its collaboration and communication needs, including unlocking visibility between teams, consolidating communication tools so that everyone can collaborate around a single source of truth, and centralizing data and streamline processes throughout the Chain of Command.
    • Slack will give them the tools to drive alignment with enterprise-wide communications. This strategy is the result of a pilot program initiated with two squadrons that explored how the Navy might best scale collaboration beyond simple chat, and adhere to security and compliance environments.

Explore further: 

  • Learn more about Salesforce for Public Sector here
  • Read Salesforce’s third quarter earnings report here

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