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Salesforce Announces Tony Prophet as Chief Equality and Recruiting Officer

Salesforce is pleased to announce Tony Prophet’s new role as Chief Equality and Recruiting Officer within its Employee Success organization. In his expanded role, Tony will help guide our global recruiting initiatives with an inclusive lens at every step, while continuing to lead the Office of Equality towards our mission of Equality for All.

Tony Prophet, Salesforce Chief Equality and Recruiting Officer

“Equality is a core value at Salesforce, and a cornerstone of our culture,” said Brent Hyder, Chief People Officer at Salesforce. ”Bringing Equality and Recruiting together creates a unique opportunity for us to lead with our values and build a workplace that reflects our society.“

The expansion of Tony’s role reflects an important milestone in Salesforce’s Equality journey.

Tony joined Salesforce in 2016 after years in leadership at HP and Microsoft, and has since led the Office of Equality to help bring our inclusive programs and processes to 50,000+ employees. In addition, he led the opening of the Office of Ethical and Humane Use, including hiring Paula Goldman to ensure our technology drives both the success of our customers and positive social change.


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