The Ninth Edition State of Marketing Report: Insights from nearly 5,000 marketers worldwide.

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Astro holding a Marketing GPT logo while standing in front of a cluster of dashboards for marketing tools.

Marketing AI

Fuel customer engagement and team productivity with Marketing AIopens in a new window tools built directly into your platform. Guide customers through personalized journeys with automation powered by Einstein.

What can marketing AI do for you?

Discover trusted, purpose-built AI to optimize every step of the campaign process.

Activate deeper customer insights with AI.

Data Cloud for Marketing

Segmentation on legacy platforms can take weeks or more — now you can do it in seconds. Create precise segments fast using natural language prompts and generative AI. Get easier data discovery, more audience precision, faster speed to market, and less reliance on technical teams.

Einstein standing in front of a segment creation dashboard displaying "winter gear enthusiast."

Easily build, train, and deploy your custom models using common data science solutions like Amazon SageMaker and Google Vertex AI — all without having to copy any data. Leverage product interest scoring, propensity to churn, and customer lifetime value for more enriched customer profiles.

Image of a dashboard for an external artificial intelligence model.

Use your known high-value audience segments to identify similar customers within Data Cloud. This will allow you to expand the reach of your campaigns to the audiences where it has a higher potential to resonate.

Image of Einstein standing in front of an interface labled "new identified audiences."
Einstein standing in front of a segment creation dashboard displaying "winter gear enthusiast."
Image of a dashboard for an external artificial intelligence model.
Image of Einstein standing in front of an interface labled "new identified audiences."

Automate intelligent journeys.

Marketing Cloud Engagement

Create, test, and optimize personalized campaign variations with built-in predictive AI. Make every moment count by automating and customizing all aspects of customer engagement — including channel, content, timing, and send frequency. Scale dynamic journeys and improve productivity with AI.

Image of Einstein standing in front of data graphs for engagement scoring and engagement frequency.

Solve the content bottleneck in your personalization. Using generative AI — grounded by your first-party, brand, and campaign data — you can instantly create on-brand copy and visual content to scale personalization and testing, while safeguarding trust.

Image of a content creation dashboard.

Marketing can be unpredictable, but with Einstein, you're always one step ahead. Surface real-time campaign anomalies like engagement rate drops so your teams can resolve performance issues in the moment. No more surprises — just actionable insights.

Image of Einstein messaging insights dashboard.
Image of Einstein standing in front of data graphs for engagement scoring and engagement frequency.
Image of a content creation dashboard.
Image of Einstein messaging insights dashboard.

Scale lead generation and account-based marketing.

Marketing Cloud Account Engagement

Make it easier for your marketing and sales teams to work more efficiently together. Let Einstein automatically analyze your marketing data with AI scoring to identify your top prospects and leads.

Image of Einstein behavioral scoring for a customer.

Elevate your ABM strategy with Einstein. Pinpoint ideal accounts with automated tier rankings based on historical data. Boost your engagement programs and account insights to drive more conversions. And leverage unified data to align marketing and sales, inform decision-making, and improve campaign success.

Image of Einstein standing with a dashboard for key account identification.

Gain full-funnel marketing and sales insights with AI-powered Multi-Touch Attribution. Choose from multiple native attribution models like Einstein Attribution to gauge the impact of channels, events, and sales team activities on your pipeline. Boost campaign efficacy and ROI with AI-driven insights.

Image of Einstein standing with data graphs for pipeline value and top salesforce campaigns.
Image of Einstein behavioral scoring for a customer.
Image of Einstein standing with a dashboard for key account identification.
Image of Einstein standing with data graphs for pipeline value and top salesforce campaigns.

Personalize real-time moments.

Marketing Cloud Personalization

Analyze interactions to pinpoint each customer’s next-best action. Convert customers by combining real-time data, AI decisioning, and automation to turn web or app browsing into strong offers. Automate recommendations based on purchase history and intent. Trigger individual journeys across email, mobile, and ads, based on real-time behavior. Scale personalization within CRM for sales and service — and offline experiences like kiosks and point of sale.

Image of a customer journey map.

Use AI to efficiently analyze in-the-moment intent data and past business engagements to find customer affinities, interests, and preferences. Use these insights to deliver individualized messaging, personalized offers, and higher conversion rates across your website, app, and channels.

Image of a customer data profile.

Transform your real-time customer data into high-conversion experiences. AI combines real-time customer intent and behavioral data with your stated business goals to personalize each offer for each individual customer, across any touchpoint — giving you higher customer satisfaction and conversion.

Image of Einstein walking toward a "next best action" offer for a customer.
Image of a customer journey map.
Image of a customer data profile.
Image of Einstein walking toward a "next best action" offer for a customer.

Optimize your spend, planning, and performance.

Marketing Cloud Intelligence

The speed and quality of your cross-channel analytics starts with data management. Forget Excel sheets, broken formulas, and data maintenance — now you can automate data management, unification, and KPI standardization in one tool. Use our dynamic out-of-the-box data model and AI-powered connectors to save time on data updates and metric standardization — so you can spend more time focusing on improving your marketing effectiveness.

Image of Einstein connection disparate data sources.

Optimize your campaigns with automated analysis. Uncover actionable insights with AI trained to optimize your campaign creative, offers, and audiences by your business KPIs. See where you can cut overspending and where you can double down on success with interactive visualizations and plain language explanations — all while your campaigns are still in flight.

Image of Einstein between two graphs for conversions and impressions.

Efficient and effective advertising starts with the right plan and oversight. Use predictive AI to get insights and recommendations into how to more effectively allocate spend across platforms. This allows you to optimize spend pacing with connected media buy and delivery data and real-time alerts to catch overages and underspent budget in the moment.

Image of Einstein standing with outstretched arms in front of a content planning dashboard.
Image of Einstein connection disparate data sources.
Image of Einstein between two graphs for conversions and impressions.
Image of Einstein standing with outstretched arms in front of a content planning dashboard.

Get the most out of your AI marketing tools with thousands of partner apps and experts.

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Astro standing with outstretched hands in front of the Marketing Cloud newsletter.

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Marketing AI FAQ

AI marketing tools are software applications that utilize artificial intelligence techniques to enhance various aspects of marketing. These tools leverage generative AI, machine learning, natural language processing, and data analytics to generate content, workflows, and insights, as well as automate processes, optimize decision-making, and deliver personalized customer experiences. They include predictive analytics for forecasting customer behavior and campaign performance, chatbots, and virtual assistants for customer interactions, content generation and optimization, recommendation engines for personalized product suggestions, ad optimization and targeting, sentiment analysis for understanding customer feedback, and marketing automation for streamlining repetitive tasks. These AI-powered tools empower marketers to make data-driven decisions, improve efficiency, and deliver relevant and engaging experiences to customers.

AI tools can revolutionize your digital marketing efforts by providing valuable insights, streamlining processes, and delivering personalized experiences. Use AI for audience segmentation, content creation, and optimization. Implement chatbots and virtual assistants for 24/7 customer support and personalized recommendations. Leverage predictive analytics to optimize campaigns, while recommendation engines offer personalized product suggestions. Use AI for ad optimization and targeting, sentiment analysis for customer feedback, and marketing automation for streamlined workflows. By embracing AI tools, you can enhance efficiency, improve campaign performance, and deliver tailored experiences that resonate with your audience in the digital landscape.

AI marketing software offers businesses numerous benefits, including data-driven insights, scalable personalization, automation of manual tasks, enhanced customer engagement, improved campaign performance, targeted segmentation, real-time and predictive analytics, and adaptability. By leveraging advanced algorithms and machine learning, AI marketing software enables businesses to gain valuable insights from data, deliver personalized experiences at scale, automate time-consuming tasks, engage customers effectively, optimize campaigns, target specific segments, and make data-driven decisions in real time. This empowers businesses to enhance their marketing efforts, improve customer satisfaction, and achieve better results in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

AI marketing software utilizes artificial intelligence techniques such as machine learning, natural language processing, and data analytics to enhance marketing processes. It collects and analyzes data from various sources, segments the audience based on attributes and behaviors, and enables personalized marketing experiences. The software automates repetitive tasks, provides predictive analytics for forecasting customer behavior and campaign performance, offers real-time optimization, and continuously learns and improves from data and feedback. By leveraging AI capabilities, marketers can make data-driven decisions, engage customers effectively, and optimize their marketing strategies for better outcomes.

Every business can benefit from AI today, especially if you place high importance on personalization of the customer experience and higher productivity and efficiency within your marketing department. The desire for data-driven decision-making, automation and efficiency, and increased availability of resources are all key drivers of AI adoption. AI marketing tools can help manage large-scale campaigns, deliver personalized experiences, provide valuable insights from data, automate repetitive tasks, and give you a competitive edge. Assessing your specific business goals and challenges will help determine which AI marketing tools are most beneficial for your organization.

When choosing the right AI marketing software, it is crucial to prioritize a commitment to trust as the number one value. Look for software providers with a strong reputation for data privacy, security, and ethical practices. Ensure that the software adheres to industry standards and regulations to protect customer data. Additionally, consider the transparency and explainability of the AI algorithms used by the software. Look for providers that provide clear insights into how the algorithms make decisions and offer explanations for their recommendations. Evaluate the software’s track record, customer reviews, and case studies to gauge its effectiveness and reliability. Finally, consider the scalability, integration capabilities, and user-friendliness of the software to ensure it aligns with your business needs and can be easily adopted by your team. By prioritizing trust as the primary value, you can choose an AI marketing software that not only delivers results but also upholds ethical standards and protects customer data.