Field App

PG&E builds an innovative app to protect California wildlife.


EarlyBird App

PG&E biologists create a seamless process to collect, store, and share data about protected species across Northern and Central California.

From Idea to App: 9 months

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EarlyBird improves the way biologists collect data for hundreds of protected species and habitats.


The Business Challenge

Within its vast service area, PG&E biologists are tasked with protecting wildlife in compliance with the Endangered Species Act, the Migratory Bird Treaty Act, and other state and federal codes. Biologists spend thousands of hours in the field conducting surveys; relaying results to their teams was time-consuming. Additionally, PG&E had no way to standardize or store data in one place, which made it hard to see trends. They needed a solution that was mobile, with extensive mapping and offline capabilities.

The App Solution

PG&E’s EarlyBird app was built and deployed on the Salesforce Platform in just nine months. While the original app focused on nesting bird surveys, it’s since been expanded for use with any kind of biological survey. With Salesforce Mobile, biologists can use their smartphones to collect survey data, including exact locations of nests and protected species, saving up to an hour per survey. Additionally, they use Salesforce for larger reports that previously existed in spreadsheets, saving countless more hours.

Salesforce not only helps PG&E serve our customers, it helps us document and protect California’s wildlife. By building EarlyBird on Salesforce, we started an ecosystem of innovative apps and tools that adapt to our team and make it easier to get work done.”

Tyson Read, PG&E Wildlife Biologist

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