Custom Application Development for Sales, Service and Marketing

In today’s connected digital world, there’s an ever growing demand for reliable software programs and applications. This is particularly apparent in the business sector. 71% of consumers say that it is important to them that they be able to receive product and customer support via their mobile smart devices, but even beyond connecting directly with clients, businesses are discovering that custom apps are capable of extending software and hardware capabilities almost limitlessly, through custom mobile application development.

What Is Custom Application Development?

Custom software application development is the process by which a company is able to design personalized software solutions for a specific user or group of users within their organization. The resultant applications will be able to address company needs more effectively and precisely than off-the-shelf options. However, the time, money, and talent needed to design and implement these custom application have historically been prohibitive. Only the most successful organizations could afford to create their own app solutions.

Teams of trained developers operating within the constraints of specific programming languages would often begin by building custom development tools. They could then put these tools to work in the actual app design process. When this would prove unfeasible, businesses could outsource their app development, effectively trading problems related to cost for potentially more problematic issues related to communication — especially when the projects were outsourced internationally.

Fortunately, modern custom application development services are changing all of that.

Custom Application Development Gives Businesses the Power.

If you are finding that out-of-the-box software solutions just aren’t enough, then you’re in luck. Thanks to the proliferation of cloud-based software technology, custom application development companies are making it possible for you to personalize the effectiveness of your business apps, even if you don’t have any prior development or coding training.

Cloud-based custom application development puts the power in your hands. With low-code and no-code options, you’ll be able to create effective software solutions specifically tailored to your business’ needs. Templates, drag and drop tools, and other building options give users of all skill levels the chance to see their application ideas become reality.

Whether you are interested in custom web application development, custom mobile apps, IoT accessibility, or apps designed to improve in-house software effectiveness, the right app-building tools can make it possible, and free your organization from having to rely on less effective, more expensive methods. Consider custom application development on your CRM.

Enhance Your CRM with Custom Capabilities.

Customer relationship management (CRM) has become an essential factor in business success. According to the most recent Salesforce State of Marketing report, high performing teams are 3.3x more likely than underperformers to use CRM tools extensively, and other research indicates that businesses can expect an average return of $8.71 for every dollar invested in CRM. That said, not every CRM solution is a perfect fit for every organization, and even the most effective CRM could be enhanced through customization improvements.

At its heart, CRM is essentially a tool for storing, analyzing, and retrieving client information. This allows businesses to create more personal connections with their customer base by referencing past client actions, tracking customers through various channels, and giving representatives the ability to provide one-on-one customer journeys. But CRM has the potential to be much more. By extending CRM effectiveness via custom applications, CRM data-management capabilities take on greater significance.

Given that an effective CRM system is likely to extend across every department, the potential for custom CRM applications aren’t limited only to sales or marketing. With custom apps for CRM, human resource specialists can automate time-consuming, repetitive tasks associated with onboarding, training, and time-off approval. Accounting and finance departments can use custom apps to automate delicate processes and ensure compliance, and can also help with purchase-order tracking. R&D departments can build custom apps that collate relevant data and automatically implement it in the development of new products or services. The list goes on.

Essentially, if there is any area where you feel that your CRM solution isn’t meeting your business’ unique needs, the right app development platform can help you fill in the gaps. Of course, with hundreds (or more) PaaS app development tools to choose from, finding the right platform can be more difficult than you might expect.

Before you commit to an app development solution that might not have everything you need, consider the one that does: Salesforce Platform.

Salesforce Platform Provides the Tools for Building Success.

Salesforce, the world’s #1 CRM solution, has been helping connect customers and companies for nearly two decades. And, at the center of the Salesforce ecosystem is Salesforce Platform. Platform powers the entire range of Salesforce products, and now you can put the same platform Salesforce uses to design its own applications and software solutions to work building custom apps for your business.

Salesforce Platform offers the tools to help you create powerful business applications, fast. From easily setting up and maintaining run times with runtime services, to effortlessly automating complex business processes with process-building tools, to including social media options into every app with social collaboration capabilities, Salesforce Platform empowers you to create the solutions that define your success.

Lightning App Builder gives users access to a range of point-and-click tools for creating custom applications, incorporating advanced business logic and presented in visually appealing formats, all without needing any coding experience on the part of the user. Schema Builder makes it possible for you to design your own data model, offering a dynamic environment in which you can view and interact with every object and relationship in your app. Heroku gives those with coding experience the chance to put that knowledge to use by supporting a range of programing languages, for more in-depth control over how you build your apps.

Add to these tools the ability to create personalized reports and embed analytics capabilities directly into your apps, and to deploy across 14 languages and most worldwide currencies, and you’ll see how Salesforce Platform can generate an average five-year ROI of 478%. Platform also provides access to the Salesforce AppExchange, where you can browse through hundreds of security-vetted, customer-reviewed, ready-made applications, ranging from free to enterprise-grade. Best of all, these apps are likewise fully customizable, so that you can find the app that’s right for your needs, and then make it even better.

With Salesforce Platform, you’ll have access to apps specifically designed to fill your business needs — no matter what those needs may be.

Salesforce Platform Puts Development Power in Your Hands.

No one understands your business like you do, and with the power to design custom apps in your hands, you’ll be able to turn that expertise into real, personalized application solutions, and to do so more quickly than with any other platform. In fact, Platform users enjoy a 50% faster app development lifecycle on average.

Your business isn’t an off-the-shelf organization, so don’t settle for off-the-shelf applications. Build the best for your business, with Salesforce Platform.  

Extend your CRM with AI-powered custom apps.

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