Accelerate government services with Flow.


Help constituents faster by overcoming the challenges of disconnected legacy systems.


Federal Civilian

Update systems automatically.

Advance modernization strategies by transferring and migrating legacy system data automatically.

State and Local

Streamline applications.

Improve application processing and review for citizens by automating multistep, multisystem processes.

Public Health

Improve health outcomes.

Automate data entry and data retrieval for authorizations to improve services delivered by health professionals.


Protect critical data.

Harden physical/cyber security by minimizing unauthorized access to privileged data and limiting inconsistencies in data.

We can talk to patients virtually, we can capture information digitally, and we can deliver personalized care to anyone, anytime, anywhere

Sean Provis
Principal Consultant & Enterprise Architect, South Australia Health

What would you like to automate? Explore our top three workflows for public sector.


Apply for a License, Permit, or Authorization

Save constituents time by automating application submission and processing. Speed up licensing and permitting with digital applications that dynamically update based on user input.

Assess License and Permit Needs

Help constituents navigate permitting efficiently with automatic recommendations that meet their needs. Use automated prescreening to share information applicants need for authorization. 

File a Complaint

Make it easy to file a complaint and connect services for quick follow up and further inspection. Advance public health and safety by simplifying violation reporting through automation.

Get started with prebuilt automations for public sector.

Apply for Business Authorization   This process allows a business owner to apply online for the appropriate business license or other authorizations required to operate their business.
Assess Your License or Permit Needs   The prescreen directs constituents to information about applicable regulations, programs, and/or authorizations based on their situation.
Apply for Individual Authorization   This process allows an individual to apply online for applicable authorizations.
File a Complaint   This process allows citizens and other constituents to file a complaint against a business or individual.
Violation Fee   This process allows an org admin to use the violation fee creation by invoking a create trigger salesforce flow.
Search for License or Permit Holder   This process allows constituents to search for license/permit details for a business or individual.

Explore automation resources for public sector.


Learn how to build valuable trust between officials and civilians.


See how to modernize licensing, permitting, and inspections.


Cybersecurity makes government modernization possible.