Image showing an infinite loop, highlighting the seamlessness of moving through collaborating, testing, release, and security phases with low-code tools.

Testing and Deployment

Salesforce admins and developers can build, test, and deploy changes faster using low-code tools in safe, isolated environments. With the right application lifecycle management strategy, teams can deliver faster time to value from their Salesforce investments, squash bugs before they become costly incidents, and respond faster to customer and employee feedback.

Build, Test and Deploy easily with Speed and Safety

With Salesforce Sandboxes and DevOps Center, teams can move fast, without breaking things, isolating development to secure environments, and releasing faster through a single governed ALM pipeline.

Image of the DevOps Center interface showing the creation of a New Notification Object.

Build and Test in a Safe environment

Salesforce Sandboxes are mirror images of your production Salesforce org, enabling teams to test new features without impacting live business operations. Multiple Salesforce Sandboxes enable collaborative development on a per-project basis, so that you can ship faster while reducing the risk and cost of IT downtime.

Image showing New Notification Object status bar in DevOps Center interface.

Easy, low-code change and release management

Easily keep track of all work items throughout your ALM pipeline in one centralized location with DevOps Center. Take on any project, from implementing Data Cloud to iterating on AI apps, with a secure and governed experience for automated testing and delivery that works with your existing tools.

A smiling woman sitting in front of a computer chats with a support representative.

Everything you need to maximize ROI.

From support, expert guidance, and resources to our trusted partner ecosystem, we’re here to help you get more value from Salesforce in the AI era.

Learn new skills with free, guided learning on Trailhead.