Improve Engagement and Fill Jobs Faster with Automation, AI, and Real-time Data

Lower costs, be more productive, and rally your recruiters around a single, shared view of every candidate, role, and client.

Date: June 7, 2023
Time to read: 5 minutes
Brian LeBlond
Director, Solution Engineering, Staffing and Recruiting, Salesforce

It’s time for staffing and recruiting to get more efficient as the labor market continues to change, with 9.6 million unfilled jobs at the end of March 2023, 1.6 million lower than in December, and an unemployment rate that changed little at 3.4%. In some sectors, the full out “war for talent” has turned into discrete skirmishes as some employers ease up on aggressive growth — and even start laying off people.

Recruiters have a critical role to play in helping employers staff jobs strategically with the best candidates possible as a new phase of hiring competition gets underway. The secret to success? Automate the routine and grab insights from a centralized data source so recruiters can focus on what they do best: relationship building.


Improve Engagement and Fill Jobs Faster with Automation, AI, and Real-time Data

In this article you'll learn:
  • How you can create a single, shared view of every candidate, role, and client
  • How you can lower your costs and increase recruiter productivity
  • How you can become more efficient as the labor market remains historically tight

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