Providers: Improve the patient experience

Putting the patient at the center leads to better outcomes

The reality of today’s medical system often pulls providers in multiple directions, making the delivery of comprehensive, personalized care a hard feat to achieve. Providers need cost-saving tools that boost operational efficiencies and allow team members to spend less time on administrative tasks and more time on patient relationships.

An integrated healthcare platform solves many of these issues by unifying data across various systems to provide a single view of an individual patient. This allows care teams to see health records, social determinants of health, and communication preferences in one place and easily coordinate appropriate care quickly and efficiently.


Over one third of people (35%) cited well coordinated communications and organization as the most important factor to creating a positive health experience

Source: Safavi et. al., 2021

Technology helps providers solve common pain points by:


The lack of a holistic patient view leaves providers toggling between screens, managing complex care coordination, and unable to provide the right care at the right time.


An integrated healthcare platform unifies systems by breaking down silos and surfacing all data in one place. This allows providers to easily identify appropriate next steps in a person’s care journey and share essential information with other care providers like hospitals, pharmacies, laboratories, and billing.


Providers may find it challenging to address a patient's medical condition within the context of their lives due to limited information.


Consolidating clinical and nonclinical patient data into a single console gives providers a holistic view into a patient’s health status. With visibility into factors like medical conditions, medications, appointment history, wearable device data, communication preferences, and social determinants of health, providers are better equipped to address patients' medical conditions within the context of their lives and deliver whole person care.


Provider organizations have a lot of data spread across multiple systems. Uncovering insights into patients and business operations becomes a time-consuming process.


An integrated healthcare platform consolidates data and streamlines care processes. Providers can identify areas where automation and AI can make processes more efficient, and thus lower costs and remove barriers to deliver personalized care faster.


Care teams have a difficult time coordinating care in complex medical situations or between multiple care providers, resulting in sub-par patient experiences.


An integrated healthcare platform connects users on the care team for faster collaboration. It also allows teams to accelerate time to care with automated, self service tools that help patients quickly confirm benefits, schedule care, and complete activities.


Providers struggle to find new patients, onboard them, and ensure ongoing engagement.


With an integrated healthcare platform, providers can more easily promote their services with omni-channel campaigns targeted to both B2B and B2C audiences. A single view of patient and prospect data also allows providers to create segmented journeys, enabling them to boost engagement at key health moments, like flu season or a milestone birthday.
Learn more about how to deliver the experiences patients ask for in our technology playbook for providers.

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Introduction to healthcare platforms
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Learn how to achieve a seamless CRM and EHR integration.
How digitally enabled healthcare can give patients the experiences they expect.
Deliver connected health at home.

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