MedLogiq is leveraging Salesforce Starter to achieve long-term growth.

Discover four ways this startup is using CRM now to save time and stay efficient as it grows.

Time to read: 4 minutes

When you enter an operating room, you might not think about the surgical implants or metal trays that were tracked, delivered, and sterilized right on time for your procedure. That’s MedLogiq’s job — done behind the scenes with speed and accuracy.

In 2022, Dan Atkinson and Travis Whitaker created MedLogiq to take the guesswork out of the delivery process for high-value medical devices. They combined their decades of experience in healthcare and technology to offer real-time tracking and shipping solutions, so that doctors and patients have one less thing to worry about.

Like many early-stage businesses, MedLogiq has big plans for the future, including using vision AI for inventory management. However, to reach its goals, the company needs fast, easy, and efficient solutions, too.

Atkinson and Whitaker know the impact CRM can have in the early stages of a business. That’s why they adopted Salesforce Starter — a complete CRM suite that brings marketing, sales, and service tools together in one app.

Find out four ways MedLogiq started using this simplified CRM early on and get advice on how you can, too.

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1. Learn CRM and sales best practices sooner than later.

With Starter’s built-in tutorials and simple login experience, MedLogiq’s new CRM was up and running right away.

“It’s good because Starter has a lot of educational tools and tutorials that help people get started and for those who aren’t familiar with CRM."

Dan Atkinson, COO & Co-Founder of MedLogiq

Atkinson especially appreciates how great the user experience is, even when it comes to something as simple as single sign-on (which we can all relate to).

“We can just use our Google credentials to log in, which is really nice because people don’t want another login to manage. Even though it sounds simple, it’s a big deal,” he said.

After entering MedLogiq’s company data, the two dove into an aspect they were most excited about: the sales process. From qualifying leads to communicating with contacts, Starter keeps MedLogiq moving through each stage of the sales cycle.


“Coming from a sales background, CRM is needed. It’s almost necessary to do sales these days because sales are very complex. There are a lot of players.”

Travis Whitaker, CEO & Co-Founder of MedLogiq

Before CRM, Whitaker would end every sales meeting in his car rapidly writing recaps in his notepad. Today he can capture every detail in his CRM by phone or laptop — without the hand cramps.

“If I just had a CRM [back then], I could’ve typed that information in and kept it more organized. You need that in today’s society. With so many different moving pieces, I think it’s super valuable and almost a necessity in the sales world,” he commented.

Right now, Atkinson and Whitaker are developing a system in Starter that will help them target the right device manufacturers. They’ll be able to analyze lists of potential manufacturers and identify “compelling events” — in other words, any opportunities that open the door for MedLogiq to step in. Then they can prioritize which companies are most likely to partner with them.

MedLogiq has also been interviewing manufacturers to hear their biggest challenges and improve its technology. After every interview, the team identifies trends and adds the results to Starter to create a database.

Having this information readily accessible is key to shaping the company’s go-to-market strategy, developing marketing plans, and saving time every step of the way.

See how Salesforce Starter helps businesses start fast with the most complete CRM suite.

Step 2. Make every touchpoint count with the help of AI.

There are many steps growing businesses can take now to save time in the future. If you ask Atkinson and Whitaker, starting with “clean data” is a big one.

If you don’t have a CRM in the early stages, your company data will be scattered across a bunch of different applications. So years later, when you want to organize that data or start using a CRM, you’ll need to go back and clean it up.

Atkinson shared, “You’ve got this process that guides you through turning leads into qualified leads and a process for adding companies and contacts. If you don’t have that structure from day one, you’re going to have bad data issues to deal with — and they’re just going to get bigger and bigger and bigger.”

That’s why Atkinson and Whitaker started their new venture with a clean data structure. Current and future team members are able to access data that’s organized and up to date.

Meanwhile, the two co-founders have the historical data and most recent analytics they need to pitch investors, forecast revenue, and track growth.

“Some people don’t really understand how data is going to impact the business in the future,” Atkinson stated. “It’s about how this data will be valuable to the company five years down the road. We want to make sure we’re not losing that information. Starter does a good job of making sure that data is ending up in the right structure, so that it will be useful in the future.”

3. Manage all your contacts in one place to build long-term relationships.

These days, companies need to rethink traditional sales tactics and introduce new technology that offers a complete view of the business across departments.

“As somebody who’s been in sales for 35 years, I can say traditional selling is dead; it's been dead for a long time,” Atkinson explained. “There are a lot more people involved. You have to bring in marketing and customer service, too. If you don’t have that one ‘central source of truth’ for all your customer data that goes beyond just sales ... I don’t think you can manage a business anymore.”

When it comes to building deep-rooted relationships with Starter, Atkinson and Whitaker have created categories for prospects, investors, partners, software vendors, and companies they’re quoting with.

Atkinson noted, “We're not just using Starter to manage our potential customers, but to manage all our relationships right now.”

By storing their contacts and communications in their “central source of truth,” Atkinson and Whitaker can collaborate and pick up where the other left off — with zero lag time.


“It’s about keeping everything in one place where we both have access because we have a lot of moving pieces. We're dealing with potential investors, clients, and everybody else that's involved in our business … Starter helps us stay organized.”

Travis Whitaker, CEO & Co-Founder of MedLogiq

4. Get exactly what you need, when you need it.

If you’re wondering what drew the two founders to Starter in the first place, it’s simple. At $25 per user, per month, they’re getting exactly what they need right now at an affordable price.

Plus, it’s a CRM that can grow with their business. Many companies might begin their CRM journey with Starter, but they can seamlessly upgrade to solutions with enhanced features when they’re ready.

When the time comes, Atkinson and Whitaker look forward to expanding their business and their CRM with other Salesforce products. They’re hoping to leverage the variety of integrations you can use through AppExchange — which gives you access to over 7,000 ready-to-install apps.

“The main things that made it a no-brainer for us were the integrations Salesforce has through partners in AppExchange — nobody can touch that — and the ability to have a migration path to grow into Pro and Enterprise,” Atkinson claimed.

Because medical facilities depend on accurate, timely, and reliable delivery, Atkinson and Whitaker believe there’s no room for error — just like in the operating room.

With Starter by their side helping them grow efficiently, MedLogiq can not only deliver much-needed medical devices, but also drive much-needed change in the medical field.

"Salesforce Starter makes it easy for us to save time and stay organized,” Atkinson affirms. “Our customers trust us to track implants and instruments for surgery — these are time-dependent activities with little room for error. Building strong relationships with them is a must.”


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