IDC InfoBrief: Next-Generation Cloud Platforms

Digital-First Government and Continued Transformation

Government organizations were among the most disrupted industries in the past two years. A normally rigid culture was pushed to be agile and responsive to public needs and policy changes. The disruption has created a movement among government organizations that want to continue innovating, rather than go back to the way things were.

In the following report, stakeholders get an overview of what needs to be done to create 24/7, digital-first government that is more efficient and accessible to citizens.

Among the report’s recommendations, government executives should embrace scalable cloud platforms to empower IT teams to deliver services at pace with need and demand.

  • Embrace off-the-shelf public cloud platforms.
  • Invest in platform capabilities and capacity.
  • Work with partners that understand
Read the IDC Government InfoBrief to learn how to deliver mission success now.

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