Inside the Connected Government Report
Trends Shaping the Future of Public Sector Digital Service
Today, Salesforce released the first edition of its Connected Government report.
The report is based on a survey of thousands of people across the globe and offers a firsthand perspective on how customers prefer to engage with public sector organizations, what factors drive customer satisfaction in a digital-first reality, and, ultimately, the influence that trust has on customer sentiment and engagement.
In today’s climate of uncertainty, organizations around the world have had to learn how to adapt to rapid change. This is particularly true for public sector organizations that are responsible for delivering benefits and services to customers, as well as for those agencies whose work shapes policy that impacts health, economic, and public safety protocols.
But with public trust in governments steadily declining and customer expectations rising, the need to build trusted experiences has become more of an imperative. Below are the key insights from the Connected Government report.
Trust remains central to government operations.
With the rapidly increasing pace of change forcing swift transformation in every industry, trust has never been more important — particularly for public sector organizations. Having a strong government-customer trust dynamic can help public sector organizations accelerate digital transformation efforts and do a better job of meeting the unique needs of their customers.
Public sector organizations build trust through creating great customer experiences, and for the public sector, security plays a leading role in creating those experiences. When survey respondents were asked about the most important improvements governments could make to their service delivery or interactions with the public: