Make Customer Experience the Heart of Your Organization

Insights from 1,000+ global senior leaders on how to meet the future of customer experience.

New research from Harvard Business Review Analytic Services shows Customer Experience (CX) is a top-five business priority, but few claim to be great at CX today. Companies such as Kellogg’s, Pacific Life, Kimberly-Clark and others are investing in improving both customer insight and customer engagement have transformed with scale and speed, but how did they do it?

Learn how to meet the future of customer experience by organizing around the customer.

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Businesses that reimagine how they operate to become more customer-centered will thrive.



believe it's important to have a complete and consistent view of customers across channels and platforms


Only 15%

of companies have a unified view of customer data and the ability to make use of those insights



say overcoming organizational silos is a top-five barrier to improving CX

Learn how to make customer experience the foundation of your future growth across five key focus areas:

  • Understanding core differences between CX leader and laggard organizations
  • Aligning data, systems, process, and people to organize around the customer and create a culture of customer success
  • Evolving customer experience measurement to move beyond satisfaction, into new value creation
  • Operationalizing an enterprise approach to CX across your company, versus siloing by functional area
  • An actionable customer experience excellence checklist to help you stay on track

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