Mitigating LLM Risks Across Salesforce's Gen AI Frontiers

Discover how to address the top LLM risks when building your Gen AI solution.

Customer trust is our number one value — and when it comes to generative AI, security is critical.

Customer data powers truly impactful Gen AI solutions, but these solutions must be secure. Customers depend on your business to safeguard their data, mitigate threats, and ensure your platform and services meet performance and security requirements.

Central to Gen AI solutions are LLMs. When it comes to Gen AI and security, you need to know and be prepared for the top LLM risks.

Discover how the Einstein 1 Platform addresses these risks, what controls you need to put in place, and key guidelines for security teams to evaluate Gen AI security. You'll learn about:

  • How to mitigate potential threats to your Gen AI solution
  • How Einstein 1 Platform strategically addresses identified LLM risks and control strategies
  • How to develop guidelines for security teams to assess & grade the security of Gen AI applications


AI Strategy Guide: Make Data + AI + CRM Your Trusted Formula


Discover how to address the top LLM risks when building your Gen AI solution.

Read the whitepaper to explore:

  • How to mitigate potential threats to your Gen AI solution
  • How Einstein 1 Platform strategically addresses identified LLM risks and control strategies
  • How to develop guidelines for security teams to assess & grade the security of Gen AI applications

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You've Got An Enterprise LLM – Now What?


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