Top Global Data Security Trends Report

In our digital world, IT leaders have to stay up-to-date on the latest security trends while protecting your data and bottom line. Learn how 300+ IT leaders enable their organizations to automate without using code, put real-time insights to work, create seamless customer experiences, and so much more.

Learn must-have tools and tactics to secure an ever-increasing digital landscape. Get the report.


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IT Leaders Report Surging Data Security Threats



faced significant data security and governance challenges



experienced a security breach in 2021



predict an increase in the volume or complexity of attacks

Fortify your Data Security Defenses

Our analysis of 300 IT security leaders across numerous industries reveals:

  • 3 must-have tools to stay a step ahead of cyberattacks
  • The alarming exposure that’s leaving enterprise data vulnerable to permanent loss
  • Surprising regulations enterprises are struggling to comply with
  • How IT leaders are driving employee adoption of IT security measures
  • The 5 industries IT leaders believe will experience a cybersecurity attack this year
  • The 7 most concerning IT security threats
  • And much more!

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Learn about common data regulations and how Salesforce Security, Identity, and Privacy can help address them.


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