Get the data on how shoppers are celebrating, spending, and filling Easter baskets.
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Valentine's Day
Get the data on how shoppers are celebrating, spending, and gifting for Valentine’s Day.
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Holiday Table
Get the data on how global shoppers are spending throughout the end of year and
New Year holidays.
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Back-to-School Trends
Get the latest data on how much shoppers are buying and what the hot items are this back-to-school season.
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Check back for more retail holiday insights.
Check back for more retail holiday insights.

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More resources

The 2023 Holiday Guide for Retailers
Use real-time data and artificial intelligence to create customer loyalty that lasts all year.

Second Edition: State of Commerce
Insights from 4,000+ commerce leaders and 1 billion buyers worldwide.

8th State of Marketing Report
Discover the trends of 6,000 marketers and 2 trillion+ communications worldwide.