Get the tools to build a more sustainable future.

With a focus on six sustainability priorities, we’ve gathered resources that can help you take bold climate action and get to net zero now.


Climate Action Plan

Learn about our six sustainability priorities, which can be a blueprint for others to accelerate their net zero journeys.

Net Zero Marketplace

Your hub for carbon credits and climate action.

Plant the Seeds for a More Sustainable Future

Conserve, restore, and grow trees with

Emissions Reduction

Reducing emissions is the crucial first step every business must take in the fight against climate change. To put the planet on course for a 1.5°C future in the long-term, we need to monitor, avoid, and reduce the greenhouse gas emissions across both our operations and entire value chain, as well as spur systemic changes that will achieve emissions reductions at scale.

Emissions Reduction Resources

White paper

Accelerating Value Chain Decarbonization by Integrating Supplier Carbon Data

Discover the key steps taken to integrate supplier-provided emissions data into our upstream scope 3 greenhouse gas inventory.

The Business Guide to Carbon Accounting

A guide to understanding carbon accounting, your organization’s environmental footprint, and how you can get started.

Decarbonizing IT Infrastructure

Decarbonizing IT infrastructure should be a part of climate action planning for all companies, regardless of sector or location.

Reducing Value Chain Emissions by Enabling Supplier Action

Provide your suppliers with tools and support that will enable them to take practical steps toward decarbonization.
White paper

Business Travel in a Net Zero World

How to reduce business-travel emissions: a digital-first culture, maximizing sustainable travel booking and vehicle choices, and sustainable aviation fuel.

Supplier Sustainability Resources

Resources regarding Salesforce's sustainability strategy, including Sustainability for Salesforce Suppliers Trail and an article about adding sustainability into supplier contracts.

Carbon Removal

To address climate change, we need to enhance the natural carbon removal tools that are available today and scale the technology-based carbon removal opportunities of tomorrow. High-impact projects can improve people's lives, deliver environmental impact, and reduce/remove carbon today.

Carbon Removal Resources

White paper

The Role of Carbon Credits in Corporate Climate Action

Carbon credits can be an important tool in a broader corporate climate action strategy. Learn about their potential for helping accelerate a just transition to a net zero, nature-positive world.

Carbon Removal Can Help Your Company Reach Net Zero — Here’s How It Works

Curbing emissions will get you close to Net Zero. Carbon removal will get you to the finish line.

Beyond Net Zero: How Nature-Based Solutions Help Tackle the Climate Crisis

While technology-based solutions will be essential to meeting our shared goals, natural solutions offer many co-benefits, like ecosystem restoration, biodiversity, and community impact.

Trillion Trees & Ecosystem Restoration

Our planet has two lungs — forests and oceans — drawing down carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and producing oxygen in turn. We have an enormous opportunity to invest in nature-based solutions and restore these vital ecosystems.

Trillion Trees & Ecosystem Restoration Resources

White paper

Nature Positive Strategy

Our commitment to a net zero, nature positive future rooted in people and climate justice.

Salesforce Accelerates Fight Against Climate Change with New Trees, Oceans, and Youth Programs

New initiatives engage youth and ecopreneurs to grow urban forests and green cities and launch a blue carbon program.

Salesforce's Tree Tracker

Track Salesforce's journey to conserve, restore, and grow 100 million trees by 2030, and help plant the seeds for a more sustainable future with

Education & Mobilization

Education and mobilization are essential to drive climate action, by raising awareness, building communities, enabling behavior change, and catalyzing a movement.

Education & Mobilization Resources


The Net Zero Imperative

Net Zero is an idea that’s quickly gone from the fringe to the focus for businesses around the world. Learn more about what actions you can take.

Leading to Net Zero: 6 Key Priorities for Your Business's Sustainability Strategy

Creating a more sustainable future is everyone’s responsibility. Here’s what business leaders can do to use their power for good.
White paper

Sustainability Guide for Salesforce Technology

Salesforce technologists play a critical role in the reduction of emissions.


Innovation is needed to transform and expedite the path to decarbonization. We need to spark an ecopreneur revolution to inspire, enable, and foster new ideas and technologies to generate the change we cannot yet achieve.

Innovation Resources


Meet the Youth Ecopreneurs Who Will Shape #GenerationRestoration

Challenge calls for youth-led solutions to conserve and restore ecosystems in support of one of humanity’s greatest challenges — climate change.

The Ecopreneurs on Salesforce+

With our planet in peril everyone must rise to the challenge and find solutions. Enter: The Ecopreneurs.

Ecopreneurs Are Leading a New Age of Net Zero Businesses

Being a business and operating with purpose are not mutually exclusive. Two ecopreneurs tell how it’s done.

Regulation & Policy

The planet needs clear and consistent science-based climate policies to accelerate towards the global goal of net zero. Our voice and our influence are powerful tools to drive change, so it's important to support lawmakers and regulators around the world to advance policies that positively impact our communities and planet.

Regulation & Policy Resources


Global Climate Policy Principles

We advocate for cutting edge changes to drive climate action and include climate as a part of our company public policy platform.

Advocating for Climate Action

How organizations can engage in public policy conversations and advocate at global, national, regional, and local levels to create a sustainable future for all.

New Net Zero Reporting Rules Are Coming — Here’s How You Can Prepare

Get the inside scoop from commerce leaders on the front lines of digital innovation.

Sustainable AI Policy Principles

Our Sustainable AI Policy Principles aim to guide advocacy with regulators and lawmakers to minimize environmental impact and spur climate innovation.

Harmonized Climate Disclosure Policy

We set high levels of reporting standards for our business and look for opportunities to innovate and lead in climate-related disclosures in service of delivering reliable, actionable data to investors and stakeholders.

Transmission Policy Priorities

Salesforce policy priorities related to U.S. grid unreliability.

Take your company on the fastest route to net zero.

  • Easily track, analyze, and report on environmental data
  • Set aggressive science-based targets and continuously monitor the net zero achievement plan
  • Share real-time, investor-grade dashboards with key stakeholders on net zero progress
  • Perform scenario-planning simulations for emission reduction
  • Get accurate and timely supplier data across all Scope 3 categories

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