Inspire Trusted Contact Center Engagement

Learn how to improve efficiencies with a fully integrated platform.

Today’s market demands experiences that meet care and digital service expectations. A contact center built on a fully integrated platform creates personalized, omni-channel member, provider, and stakeholder experiences that improve efficiencies and care.


In this webinar, you will learn about:

  • Meeting the care and digital service expectations in today’s healthcare market
  • Real-world scenerios and industry discussions on health equity, employee satisfaction, provider servicing, and omni-channel engagement
  • Success stories from a customer that has a fully integrated contact center on a single platform
Guest Speakers

Sam Miller

VP, Technology, Product

Development, CDPHP

Steve Munnelly

Director, Business Consulting,



Samantha Murphy

Industry Go To Market Senior

Director, Salesforce

Tyler Moeller

Senior Solution Engineer,




Inspire Contact Center Engagement

Case Study

Drive Member Journeys with Strong Engagement Architecture


Enhance Patient and Member Engagement Guide


Inspire Trusted Contact Center Engagement

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