Einstein 1 Sales saves Salesforce sellers 3.5 hours per day.

Learn how Einstein helps sales teams get more from every call and onboard faster.
2 min read

Einstein 1 Sales helps sellers close more deals with personalized emails and actionable insights from every call. Sales teams now record three times more customer calls and can easily access insights from every call, saving 3.5 hours per day.

The Challenge

Sellers needed more effective, personalized ways to connect with customers and keep deals moving forward.  

Two critical contact points can make or break a sale — emails and calls. But sellers faced challenges creating personalized emails for every customer. They'd either spend too much time composing them, or save time with impersonal templates. On calls, account executives (AEs) had to multitask, taking notes and listening. This was inefficient and created sales training challenges. First-line managers (FLMs) had to be present on calls or work off subjective notes to coach their AEs. For both points of contact, sellers needed to find ways to work more efficiently while still providing personalized customer experiences.

How Salesforce Helps

Einstein 1 Sales auto-generates personal, effective emails in seconds.

Sellers now use Einstein to draft some of the most common email types, such as introductions and follow-ups. Just like email templates, Einstein pulls in a contact’s name and relevant details, like their product interest from the opportunity, to customize the email. But unlike a static template, it creates a different output depending on the customer in question.

AI-generated call summaries give reps actionable insights from every call.

Einstein helps sales reps and leaders understand key takeaways from every sales call. After a rep completes a call, Einstein transcribes the call, tags it with relevant keywords and creates snippets to highlight the next steps the rep should take. Reps can see these activity snippets, like key questions that were asked or objections a customer had noted on the call recording. This makes it easier for reps to know exactly what action items they should follow up on. 

I've already begun using call summaries. It is fabulous. The manner in which it documented and prompted me about the next steps we agreed upon with the customer was really good.

Niamh McArdle
Regional Sales Director, Dublin, Salesforce

AI uncovers coaching opportunities to help reps become better sales professionals.

Now, front-line managers can review call transcriptions and jump to the most coachable moments in each call without having to listen to the whole thing. They can leave comments in real time, right on the call player, so reps have the context of the feedback right at their fingertips. Managers can also create playlists of top-performing calls and share them with new reps to speed up their onboarding. These playlists can also help their teams align on best practices for specific types of calls, like demos.

Dashboards and reports visualize call trends across reps and opportunities.

Sales leadership tracks mentions of competitors, products, custom keywords, pricing discussions, and other conversation trends in dashboards. Teams can also create custom dashboards to gauge customer sentiment around Salesforce and competitors’ products. 

3 X
more calls recorded
hours saved daily with auto-generated call summaries and insights
week faster ramp-up for new reps