Aldo Fernandez is a Trailblazer

Discovering a Passion

In 2008, Aldo Fernandez was introduced to Salesforce through a work opportunity that required familiarity with CRM systems. He had assumed the role of Salesforce Developer on a 3-month integration project with an independent software vendor, whose product was built on the Salesforce platform. Although he started off with only basic understanding of the CRM, Aldo approached the project with determination. It was this very project that would ignite a passion, shaping his career for years to come.

From Learning to Leading

Through Trailhead training modules and hands-on experience, Aldo gradually mastered the intricacies of Salesforce. He immersed himself in understanding its features, customization options, and best practices, turning challenges into opportunities for growth. With each project, he gained confidence and proficiency, eventually becoming a trusted advisor in his organization — but he was eager to expand his understanding of Salesforce beyond his developer role. With a background in engineering, Aldo enjoyed navigating the technical weeds of the platform. When his company opened an architect role, he saw it as an opportunity to take that first step in switching roles.

The beauty of switching roles within the Salesforce ecosystem is that it’s not just about changing jobs — it’s about exploring new territories on the map of innovation. Every new position is a trail leading to a broader view of what’s possible, and how else you can deliver success.

Aldo Fernandez
Salesforce Program Architect, Holston

Architecting Success for Legal-Tech

Aldo is now 17x certified and has built a thriving career in the Salesforce ecosystem. Having fully transitioned to a Salesforce Architect, he has found his niche working in the legal-tech industry. Aldo went from being an architect at Litify, a Salesforce partner whose product is a legal operating platform built on the CRM, to his current role as a program architect at Holston, a consultancy that assists law firms in implementing Litify. With the help of the Einstein 1 Platform, Aldo drives success for his company by setting clients up to get the most out of their investment by way of breaking down business silos and establishing better collaboration, insight, and performance. Aldo is constantly looking forward to how he can further incorporate Salesforce’s AI capabilities, specifically in regard to automation, to better serve his clients’ needs.

A Commitment to Community

Aldo’s expertise is unparalleled, but what truly sets him apart is his commitment to giving back to the community. From the early days of his Salesforce journey, Aldo has understood the importance of networking and learning from others. He believes that “who you know” is just as crucial as “what you know,” and has made it his mission to support and uplift his fellow Trailblazers. He is an active participant and organizer for developer-focused Trailblazer Community groups and events in Latin America. His efforts have created a vital platform for Trailblazers in the region to connect, learn, and grow together. Through his community work, Aldo is paying it forward, ensuring that other international Trailblazers have the same opportunities for growth and success that he had.